
Wow, just realized there where no flashbacks in this episode. Hopefully that's a trend they'll continue next season.

Of all the pop culture references made on Arrow, Flash, LOT, and Supergirl, that is my favorite.

Well I quite enjoyed this episode a lot more than I have the past few weeks, and outside of almost killing Barry, the team really hasn't done anything stupid.

Well I thought this was the best episode of the series. I mean….that's not saying much but hey, you win some and lose a lot.

Tyrion's greatest gift is his way with words. He was talking his way into the good graces with the dragons and I loved every bit of it.

Knew it was coming, didn't think it would happen this quick, but when Jon took his first breathe of reborn air I gasped, loudly.

I kinda see where your coming from, no one knows how deep their relationship was expect for Titus, who is dead, and I guess Murphy. But I don't think Clarke will ever talk to anyone about her relationship with Lexa, maybe Luna as some sort of pitch to get her to be commander but that's it.

I think Clarke is one of those people who hides their pain by staying busy. She's on this search for Luna, while also trying to stay alive, to keep her from feeling that pain of losing Lexa. And frankly, she really does have time to grieve, one slip up and she'll be hit with a stray bullet.

Clarke: "Hey, we need you to be the new commander. Ontari's in charge now and she's fucking crazy and will kill us all."

I know this has been said countless times, but Bellamy is irredeemable at this point, to me. I mean really, he indirectly blames Lincoln's death on Octavia because she wouldn't trust him. Really?? Then starts bitching because she won't forgive him.

Yeah, this is episode 19 and I still have no clue to what his grand master plan is. All I remember is corn fields and……well that's it.

I hope the explain how Barry got his speed back for the funeral.

I'm STILL tripping off the fact that the team just gave away Barry's speed like it was nothing.

The only thing I'm hoping for this season is that Sansa kills Ramsay.

Oh how I've missed Tyrion and Varys taking a casual stroll around town while talking politics. My favorite bromance.

Mike is me when I first got my Fitbit.

So I decided to live tweet this episode for the first in time in ever something I never do, mainly because I try to avoid fandoms and their "ships" as much as possible. As the episode is going on I see a lot of people clamoring Bellarke, Bellarke. And for someone who just started this show before the season 3

*looking at you 'The Flash' writers*

Yeah during that scene I was like there is no way the ENTIRE group is willing to give up Barry's speed with no plan in mind. I thought the small talk they were having with Jay was a stalling tactic as part of their plan. But sadly, no.

Joe: "How does this thing work?"
Harry: "You aim this thing then pull the trigger."
Joe:" "Smartass"