
What I took most from this finale: Cat finally said Kara's name correctly. She has her respect.

Fantastic second season throughout. Kim for me was the star of this season. She has quietly become my Jesse Pinkman in terms of I just want good things to happen to her, I want her to win.

Jimmy, Jimmy, oh Jimmy. That was way too obvious.

*sad face emoji*

So I kinda just had this episode on in the background as I was on the phone. Was it worth re-watching? Or just forget about it and wait for Game of Thrones next week?

Also, #StopBlamingClarke

Without Raven, none of them would have made it through season 1.

So glad Raven/ALIE called Jasper out for being a whiny bitch for the past three or so months. Yes he lost someone special, but so has EVERYONE else, including all of his friends.

Illana's slow motion salute had me dying.

No way Shapiro really tried those damn gloves on in the middle of the courtroom and NO ONE noticed??? Right?

Oh, so this is like a real thing that's actually going to happen and not a joke.

Pretty sure Indy will die in this movie, then Disney will green lit the prequel movie for a young Indiana Jones because why not.

Guys, but Crystal Skull was soooooooooooo baddddd.

Hector *ding* *ding* *ding* Salamanca is back, speaking English and without his wheelchair.

OJ's double take when Marcia walked in was great too.

Another fantastic heart wrenching episode. Bravo Sarah Paulson, her Emmy episode for sure. Also another piece of great casting: Ms. Lopez in the maroon jumpsuit not giving a single fuck.

Mike's efforts to persevere a little piece of his soul is what makes him such a great character.

So does this make Hawkman 0-207 vs Savage???

I think of this all the time. This superhero shit does not pay rent.

I see nothing wrong with that scenario.