
He did kind of freeze up when she hit him with the "what are we?" conversation.

Outside of the Barry/Patty stuff and Barry being an ass, I thought it was a great episode. Way better than last weeks which I found lackluster.

Damn near everyone on this show knows Barry's identity, hell people not on this show knows who he is. And it's so frustrating watching him be an ass whole to Patty even when she figured it out. This whole "I'm trying to protect her" is bullshit. She's a fucking cop, she can take care of herself! Ughhh

Show please don't kill Petra. Whatever you do DON'T. KILL. PETRA. PLEASE.

"We go out for one lousy drink, and you managed to pick a fight with Boba Fett!" - Captain Cold

Talk about great team building exercises, beating the shit outta guys at a bar in the 70s.

Oliver: "So yeah, I got this kid that I found out about a few months ago. Probably should of told you BEFORE we got engaged, but I totally forgot about it. So umm you cool with that, right?"

Yeah Arrow is a dark, depressing show, but I don't think they would go that far to intentionally killing a child. Unless he got caught in the middle of the cross fire.

Watching that particular scene in the hospital was when I was finally able to say "okay, okay they are cute together."

Didn't they already kill Thea last season, doubt they want to do it again.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Thea kill a guy in front of Tim Tebow's little brother?

So assuming this doesn't count for The Flash anymore since Patty is leaving, but in general I think it's BS for superheroes to keep their identities secret from their significant others. They claim its to keep them protected, but keeping them ignorant to what's really going on just puts them in bad situations. For

Well those odds don't seem that terrible……

If you want to watch young Han Solo just watch Episode IV.

I thought they could've bypassed a lot of bullshit if when Jessica and Kilgrave were on "good" terms, have Kilgrave get Hope's charges dropped them kill him. Jessica always said she needed him alive to get Hope out of jail.

*sings in melody* "Where is Petra, where is Petra…"

So that's what "deader than dead" looks like.

Dear TWD Writers: If your not going to have the balls to kill him off, then don't do that silly ass story arc in the first place.

AHS always delivers with its characters back stories.

Olivier's diary entry: