
Great lineup for December, Tina and Amy almost make up for Trump.

I liked Jane and Petra as enemies/rivals, but I LOVE this Jane/Petra 'kinda, sorta, almost' friendship even more.

Now that you say this, I can't get it out my head. Seems like better roles for the both of them.

I'm still confused as to how Cat doesn't know Supergirl is her assistant. I mean, it's not like she trying to disguise her face or voice.

Grodd and King Shark spin off please.

That damn Harrison Wells sure knows how to make an entrance.

I'm also confused on why she revealed her identity to the friend so soon too. The only people who knew were her adoptive parents and sister, and now her co-worker who she maybe close friends with.

The final scene between Emma and Regina took me back to season one when Regina keep referring Emma as Ms. Swan.

Nice try Walking Dead, but we all know Glen is still alive. Clearly the body on top of him is being gutted out.

Joe and Cisco prove once again why they are the best characters on this show(with the exception of Wells)

I understand she's in love with both guys, but it's kind of unfair to the guys. If she picks Michael, her feelings for Raf won't just go away and vice versa. But personally I'm #TeamJane and rather her focus on being a mom now and let the relationship stuff come later.

Are we 100% certain that Larry David isn't the real Bernie Sanders?? Or what if Bernie Sanders is the real Larry David?

Oliver is also on Iris's list.

I took it more of a "are you fucking crazy" face

So Damien Darhk can suck the soul out of people, but he draws the line at kidnapping daughters. That's a stand up guy right there.

ROGELIOOOOO, I've missed you so.

"Thanks Rick for helping me out, your a pretty great guy."

Like I said earlier, Scream Queens is just what would've happened if Madison became the Supreme on AHS: Coven.

Scream Queens just seems like what would've happened if Madison became the Supreme on AHS: Coven.

Pretty much how I saw the episode.