
Yes, and I feel like this is something the show gets right. The lives of adults didn't revolve around their kids, the kids were along for the ride. If your mom was living a bohemian life in a hotel with artists and eccentric people, then that's what you were doing. If your dad was trying to put on a good face while

I know what people mean by Gus believing in magic, but he kind of doesn't. He believes in rules and playing fair (by his definition) and that people who play by the rules and believe in fairness should be rewarded by being liked and getting what they want. The Magic Castle is very rule-oriented and plays to his

I don't know why, but it makes me happy to see Frankenstein shoot up in front of his friends. He knows his addiction is a problem and may pale in comparison to his other secrets, but he doesn't bother hiding it at this point. And there was something beautiful about his scene with Vanessa, when she held his hand and

Life is weird that way. Frank breaking up with Agustin was the best thing that ever happened to him. There was no happy ending on the road he was traveling. And I do think Frank was a bit of an enabler.

I wish the writers hadn't made Megan so unbearable because her shitty personality overshadows the fact that there are people (who seem otherwise reasonable) that really think this way.

I learned 3 different new terms from this one post.
Definitely going to use "white person bow storyline" in a meeting.

I think the purpose of seeing Patrick's family again at this point in the story is to challenge Patrick's attachment to their approval of him and his life (relationships included).

I think it's hard to produce a show like this and market it at the same time. How do you market a non-traditional love story about a person's growth?

Music is used so well on Looking. You usually only see that kind of care and thought on shows that are actually about music like Treme.
I thought it was very cute/funny when Kevin didn't want to dance (he's shy about dancing) and then cut to him totally getting down.

My favorite scene between Kevin and Patrick remains their conversation in the swing chairs from season 1, it was all about the eyes in that one.

Wow, The Boyfriends really put the smackdown on Patrick and Richie's fragile friendship, didn't they? I'll see you a planetarium bottom-shame confession and raise you a Fatrick.

Ugh, your accurate description reminds me of how painful that scene was.

Damn, I didn't even think about that.
See, this is why I come here.

Dom went ahead with his plans because he thought he was getting money from Doris, but he's also heavily influenced by the idea that he's running out of time. That idea is completely his own invention. When he first pitched the restaurant to Lynn, Lynn told him to submit a business plan and that there was no rush. Dom

I agree with what you're saying in terms of the plot-driven aspect of this episode.

Yes, that Silicon Valley sub-plot was super funny (now THAT's how you subvert a stereotype), looking forward to the return of that show.

My god, that review of the app was hilarious.

It's interesting to get these pieces of Richie's inner world from two different sources. Brady tells us that Richie made fun of Patrick's hang-ups while Ceci tells us that he loved the fuck out of Patrick. Both are true. And this is what people do, you play to your audience so that they can join in and make you feel

The phrasing made it feel real to me. It sounded like a Brady interpretation of something Richie said. Much more likely that Richie would have used a Spanish/English combo to describe all of that, LOL.

I'm assuming this is how Patrick is going to find out that Jon left Kevin (and not the other way around), from his sister Megan.