
Thanks for the correction, it seems I missed that episode.

What a wonderful show (and a great article, guys). Just let me add a couple of things.

Of course it would be quite surprising if Paul and Jamie got divorced. But the show handled the whole story very well, from their alienation to their getting back together and dealing with the problem. The episode where they sit on a parkbench and talk is one of the darkest moments of tv, after the first five minutes,

ann03: Yeah, exactly what you say, I agree. It's the appeal of the new and the daring, so some kids want to appear cool, perhaps. I think that single cam is associated with edgier, riskier shows, and there's reason for that, and in many cases I'm for it. I love that Arrested Development and Community push the

"It may just be that I need to hang out with smarter people".

J.P. McPickleshitter: Are you implying that the show jumped the seal?

Gabriel Chase: I agree. Frasier is pompous, elitist, full of himself, but he's also kind, generous, and decent to a fault. He goes out of his way to help his friends (and strangers). I like him, despite his special made extrasupersoft Italian towels and the fact that he accidentally burned down Tony Shalhoulb's

ann03: It's not a superficial difference, because it affects both the practical (cost, time) and the artistic aspects of a show (the rhythm of the dialogue, the kinds of jokes).

I have just one thing to say to Lars: wear shoes.

From AVClub, 2014.
 …Today, in our "Comments That Time Forgot" column, let's discuss a prescient post by mbs…

I agree with you. I think that the meme started with the AVclub reviewer(s) who recapped the show at the time.

To me, Angel's third and fourth season together were one amazing epic awesome story. (THIRD SEASON SPOILER. The episode where Connor is born, with vampire Darla staking herself to give birth to her son, is one of the best moments of tv ever.)

Also check out "Night Falls On Manhattan", again by Lumet, even more obscure than "Q&A", with Andy Garcia and Richard Dreyfuss. Corruption and integrity in the law and order community. It had a beautiful opening sequence with a haunting sad piano tune.

"But anyway, do you want to watch an actor that hates his or her job and feels trapped and resentful by a contract?"

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, as usual. But just in 1991, these movies came out, each one with its own charm, some really awesome.


Rodrick's piece includes this disturbing sentence: "A month later, Schrader would be standing naked in a Malibu bedroom,
missing his dogs…"

Yeah, there's not much nostalgia or love for ELLEN. I guess that the fact of her coming out as gay, and incorporating it in the plot, took its toll — perhaps it was perceived as a message show, a polemic. Thank God its out on DVD so some lucky few can rediscover it.

Good points, Rockrocky77! I had forgotten that the show had started with that name.

There was also Ellen (Degeneres's sitcom).