
i was gonna give black the benefit of the doubt since he was in the first movie and he has made some cool films, but everything I've heard since does not bode well

I've always heard it as yippee ki yay mr falcon

Is that the one with the QTEs when you're running down various hallways? Never got the time right on those. Always great fun getting the rocket launcher tho

Also a good Alway's Sunny episode based on it. And many other great refs I'm sure

This continues to be one of the best features this site has done. Even though I've seen nearly every movie featured countless times, I plan on using this feature to build a marathon of movies to watch on my next deployment.

his hacks have the power of saws, and his saws have the power of hacks

this changes EVERYTHING

yall really ran this whole barb thing into the ground, nerds

i dunno anything about world of tanks or world of warships, other than that I can safely assume they are pay to win / freemium trash piles that I can safely ignore. I do however, find great annoyance in the fact that they are produced by a company called war games, which makes it a pain to search for actual,

Had they focused on the cure, its implications, and the aftermath, WWZ would have been more interesting than the book imo

yea but uhhh.. Land of the Dead. Remember that stinker, Romero?

I need to throw this out as a general Halloween discussion thing; Screamers was on TV last night. Forgot what a great b movie classic that is.

there is not. I believe you can through the website and/or the app (I have used neither yet). huge oversight on their part, much like how you can not edit vehicle load outs unless one is actually available to spawn in. or how you have about 15 seconds to quit after a match before it forces you to load the next one….

I'm reserving judgment on their strength for now, because most players are bad at using vehicles and countering them. I think when more people realize the anti tank rocket (assault class gadget) is so effective, the balance will be a little less in favor of armor. I haven't used all the vehicle variants yet, only the

*pulls pants back up*

*as a rays fan, clutches nothing while drinking whiskey and crying*

Battlefield One. Needs more armor but the infantry game play is the best the series has had in a long time

a tribe called quest is cool and good and if you've never listened to rap/hiphop they are a good place to start

I'm spartacus

yesterday when I was driving home from work there were 2 kool & the gang songs on in a row. it was a good drive home