
people mad about kapernick are also complaining about how political correctness is ruining this country

…. but why Waco?

Because what we really need right now is something to inflame the paranoid militia/sovereign citizen/come and take em bundy types


the ghosts at the last battle pull up in their navy ships (which were built in Chicago)

same- I've actually watched less horror this month than I do in other months. but I've been reading horror books so that's my trade off. also promised myself I'd play some horror video games but battlefield 1 was released last week so…

wife wants to see miss peregrines, I'm feigning a half-interested, "I guess it looks alright" as cover for wanting to see Eva Green

its harder to start back up than it is to keep going! maybe switch it up with some biking or sports or something if running/walking is boring/painful
-signed, a guy who swore he was gonna start a half marathon training plan 4 weeks ago

Blues Brothers?

I love pettin dogs

Nice- I finished Songs for a Dead Dreamer last week and I'm almost through Grimscribe now.

previews duped me into believing he would survive! rip!


also, 28 weeks later is super intense, brutal, and depressing, despite some of the plot/writing. I saw it in theaters and I have no desire to watch it again. Days doesn't seem to have aged well, but maybe that because its on cable tv often

I watched pumpkinhead the other night and my wife watched Halloween town 1 and 2 last night… yeah.

remember when twitter wasn't terrible? I do, it was when I thought twitter was just the unintentionally hilarious ramblings of celebrities, like when kanye complained about getting bottled water on an airplane or 50 cent complained about his grandma telling him to take out the trash. what I'm basically saying is that

some nerd, somewhere, "imagine GoT… but with whedon dialogue"

seems like a typical nerd lets-combined-two-things-we-like: "how sick would it be if deadpool were directed by TARANTINO?!". that, or potheads

daft punk membership confirmed
