
I will be playing a little Overwatch thanks to this Halloween event, though it's not a fun game to play without friends, even in QP. Also going to pick up Shadow Warrior 2; although I rarely buy games at release I've heard nothing but praise for it and it's only $40. Also some Starbound and maybe some Battlefield 4

what twee as hell indie song played as you guys drove home in the rain with the dog

hoping this flintstones throwback meme really takes off and doesn't, heh, go extinct

*the bird ack ack has been using as a makeshift axe to chop schticks looks at the camera and deadpans* "Its a livin'"

the ghost was actually the Mean Girls the entire time

"stop trying to make fetch happen"
ghost: "oooooooOOOooOH k"

same reason it was necessary for the the house have once been owned by evil murder nurse twins…. who fucking knows

get back in that locker!

you can pass on thor 2 and age of ultron. ant man is cool and kind of a refresher from the other marvel films imo. spiderman was cool in civil war but I think ant man was funnier

Should have just been Black Widow and Hawkeye as cameos and then a team up movie from the get go imo

Fair point perhaps, if they didn't drag it out so long

I gave this season the benefit of the doubt through episode 4 after the pretty weak first ep, and it still failed to interest me. Well, cya.

the nerdcore diss tracks about to drop on trebek are gonna be brutal. leet brutal, even

same except I don't know anything about rhyming and while I appreciate how geeky things are becoming more mainstream, I don't think we need a "…but for nerds!" of everything. "Spaceballs, the flamethrower!"


no diss is too cruel when it comes to nerdcore.

I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt on Wonder Woman but that screen shot right there seems to have the "Zack Snyder / DEU" filter applied, for lack of a better term

i feel like the amount of time it takes for a "thing" to get run into the ground exponentially shrinks every time. I blame social media. and millennials *shakes fist*

I thought broforce would be more… metal sluggy but it's a lot of chaotic, over the top fun when you get a 4 player game going..

Tread Thread… which tank has your favorite treads? Mine is the MkIII Valentine