
I don't like this map but I think battlefield 1 is in a pretty good place so I'll likely pick it up on release if the reviews are good. I'm finding the iron sights fun and challenging so I hope its not like previous games where I'm flooded with hundreds of shit battlepacks all containing minor variations on the same

Battlefield 1 beta this weekend. Played a few rounds last night; initial impressions are that I like how infantry combat feels overall compared to BF4, except you move a bit sluggishly. Vehicles aren't as prevalent but they seem very strong, which is great because I am a tankwhore. Air combat I need some more time

you'll find the least country places often feature the most obnoxious, cliché redneck types. See also, Boston

slow news day today, huh?

in other bideo game talk, I downloaded the battlefield 1 beta last night but I couldn't connect to a server because there was a DDOS attack going all day. The menu music is cool though.

Will take a look at Splendor and DrFilmFlam's recs, Lost Cities and Jaipur. I was thinking of Carcassone because I've played it on iOs

the world is a vampire…

I've never read any of his books but they always sound so insane that maybe I need to one day. Then again lots of them seem to be what-ifs about the South winning the ACW

There was a collection of twitter (lol) screenshots after one his earlier crimes featuring various fans saying how they wouldn't care if he abused them, because they love him so much

Please stop publishing articles on this loser. Well, bye.

7 Ronin looks cool and fun, maybe I can convince my wife to play but doesn't seem her style. We only recently started getting into board games; we bought Ticket to Ride and really enjoy it. Will probably buy a new one in the next couple weeks. Unfortunately we haven't found other people to play with yet.

I played it last year when it was a free game on xbox. the only ac game I've ever played and it owned. also the only time a game has put in some bullshit filler collect-a-thon that I've cared about (sea shanties for my crew? hell yea).

1. this nontroversy should have died the day it came out yet we're still hearing about it on Wednesday and why did avclub feel the need to cover it
2. i'll bet everyone getting mad at kaep for didn't care or already forgot when the nfl got called out for charging the govt to do patriotic shit like fly overs and stuff

new doom owns

I finished assembling my first scale model; a 1/72 Tamiya M3 Stuart tank. Now I just need to figure out how to paint it.

Excited to get home and try out the Battlefield 1 beta on Xbone. Was pessimistic about the game at first but some of what's been said by those who did the alpha and those who had early beta access has me giving Dice a bit more leeway.


i really like the series and bought all 3 games on release day but never beat any of them. I sort of lose interest after awhile. one day i'll go back and replay them and check out the dlc

I've actually not read any westerns outside Cormac McCarthy's stuff, but have watched lots of movies. I've never bothered because I assume they (ie stacks up stacks of Grey and Lamour at the bookstore) will be worse than licensed Dungeons and Dragons books.

I get repeated calls from the same service looking to help me with my credit card debt (I don't have a credit card). After months of politely asking to be removed from the call list, I did some research and turned out it was a full blown scam (more than the usual telemarketing, I guess). The recommendation was to not