
I do like me some westerns so I will have a look

The NC heat and humidity is starting to subside so its almost time to start running again. Watching the Olympic Marathons has me considering trying one myself. I did a half once, which I enjoyed, but it left me without any desire to do a full.

Still playing Overwatch, I think I have just under 20 hours in it now. I had a few fun gimmick matches over the weekend, like all Winstons vs all Meis and Junkrats+Lucio vs DVAs+2 Mercy (this one was really funny as we had overtime on a point for about 2 minutes because no one could clear the point fast enough before

I prefer three keyboard cat shirt myself

Howlin Wolf is cool and has good music in my opinion. Well, cya.

Found footage in the year of luigi 2016? Pass. Also, the trailer has so many throwbacks to the original that it comes off as lacking in anything new or original.

I've only read the first three of Wexler's but its a great series and I'm looking forward to the conclusion. If you haven't already, check out the Powder Mage series. I think Wexler's a bit stronger a writer, but Powder Mage is still pretty good and there's some cool concepts.

I read the first Sharpe book last year and really enjoyed it, I have to go back and explore the rest of the series soon.

Took a break from Age of Great Guns (artillery history) to read Caverns & Creatures, which is about a group of obnoxious friends who get transported into the world of not-D&D by their neckbeard DM. Very immature, toilet humor but I still found myself laughing a lot. Once I finish Age of Great Guns I have a bunch of

i'm not white but you make a compelling argument and you did it without making it a personal attack so I appreciate that. good luck my friend

Sorry, Xbox. But if there are any xboxers out there, I'm FastestGunAlive

Pharah and DVA are my usual go-to characters. Been trying out Junkrat and Roadhog recently as well. Junkrat is fairly straightforward TF2 Demo. Roadhog I'm still getting the hang of but hooking someone and killing them with the shotty is extremely satisfying. Soldier is an all around solid pick it seems.
I should

I would love to play HW or DQW but I'm on Xbox. I'm interested in the Gundam ones but I've heard mixed reviews. The next one is based on Berserk; I know nothing about that anime/manga but its getting a lot of hype from series fans so I'll be keeping an eye on it.

shout out fellow xboner. If/when I get the torbjorn pirate skin, he may become the only character I ever play

I bought WO3 when it first came out because I wanted something mindless to do on lazy Saturday mornings. My first DW game since the PS2 days; I really like it. Obviously my views on the series are "somewhat" dated but I found the combat fairly engaging and the sheer amount of characters made it tough for me to pick

I jumped on the Overwatch hype train last week and I'm really into it. Still learning the game but doing overall decent and having plenty of fun. (playing on xbone)
Also all the complaints around No Man's Sky just blow me away. How anyone allowed themselves to get caught up in the hype in the first place I don't

on this show he tried to hook up with Carmen Electra. For actually wanting to do that in year 2013, he deserves our hate, regardless of the current controversy

the fact that we're talking about 311 in the year of luigi 2016 means this fan has already won

SOMEBODY owes an apology to Brazilian criminals

article picture proves we don't need to make America great again, because Seagal hasn't changed