
only a good guy with a stranger thing can stop a bad man with a stranger thing

Mr Clarke also has good movie taste and spits good game

Actually never knew that about the ending, probably because the game was hard as hell

now please remove everyone else from it because the first one was p bad

My wife loves the Parent Trap and it's on cable often so I've probably seen it every other week for the past 2 months. As an adult I see now how messed up the situation is; separating your twin daughters and then lying to them about the other parent and the fact that they have a twin. Also, the daughter is definitely

watching it on FXM for 5 hours thanks to commercials could be the next best thing to that

a giant tree is falling on the na'vi and they try to outrun it instead of running off to the side

titanic 2: now you see me 2


American ultra was too advanced for us common plebes so I hope I am able to grasp the vision that is max landis' pepe le pew

you obviously didn't want to drive that car bad enough

Interesting stuff, never knew any of that. I moved to NC last year, expecting to see a lot of Confederate stuff but I've been pleasantly disappointed. I saw a lot more living in Florida, which wouldn't be weird except that I was living in Tampa.

kenan and kel grimdark reboot

fucked up, but true

I had to go look up survive as well, some of what they already have available on iTunes has that sound to it already. I'm not familiar with with the genre so if you have similar suggestions I'd appreciate it. I only know of Kavinsky, thanks to Drive, and his 80s vibe is a bit different, though still great. Tron Legacy

yea, I think many of the old ones are no longer "officially recognized" by the Catholic Church or something. Due to the insane number of them and trouble verifying the requirements or whatever.

the masons set in motion the events that began ww2 because your grandpa refused to join.

she most likely dates back to the earliest days of gunpowder artillery, when it was a very volatile art and science. every job in the military probably has a "patron saint" but I would assume "newer" things like cbrn its more of an unofficial, second thought thing

binged through stranger things. plot was average overall but the acting was mostly solid, sound, music and look were excellent, and it did a really good job of paying homage and drawing inspiration from so much without feeling too derivative or try hard

was hoping to see Jordan get another shot at a hero role with a lot of screen time, because he is cool and good. nothing wrong with being a villain though, so long as he doesn't get offed too quickly