
Tangentially related (a military order rather than fraternal): the Order of St Barbara (patron saint of artillery). People with distinguished careers in the field artillery can be recommended to either the Ancient or Honorable Order and are awarded a medal and recognition at celebrations on St Bab's Feast day.

same, friend

I feel like they are trying to market it as fun but all the trailers look Zak Snyder-style dark (literally). I'm kind of burned out on superhero movies but I hope whatever the Marvel equivalent of Suicide Squad is gets a movie and it blows this away.

that'll be more in line with the sequel, Staying Woke

my four-month old german shepherd/border collie hates bath time but she doesn't mind being outside in the pouring rain, engaging in her favorite pastime: trying to eat grasshoppers. well, that's my dog story.


lol at third eye blind doing this but even bigger lol at that first tweet, savaging them for playing new music

Agree, I bring the same thing up anytime WBC is "trolled". You're only giving them publicity and a chance to spread their message; you're not going to stop them or change their minds via this stuff.

I usually can't be bothered to care about things that happen in the alternate world of twitter or low-effort, white-noise, shock value trolling in general but much of stuff she is describing is pretty disturbing

Yea I went back and looked at the OT weapons thanks to the insanely detailed imfdb website. They are familiar if you know what you're looking for but they've been more heavily modified. Maybe just a product of the times, when people thought that was a more sci-fi look compared to what we'd expect these days. Just kind

I'm super mad

It's a nitpick but I hate how TFA and now RO have used familiar real world guns as basis for their blasters. Kind of at odds with that space opera/long time ago/future vibe. Sure, OT had Han Solo's C96 blaster, but that's a pretty unique gun to begin with. not sure if the stormtroopers running around with ARs is

Renee "Tourettes Guy" Baio's social media presence is my shit. Also, please correct the quote to "I believe in killing bad guys. So long as it doesn't involve me or my children having to serve. Or having to sacrifice in any way, such as through higher taxes or rationing"

Reminds me of a scene in The Boys From Company C, I think, where they go out on patrol and are instructed by the CO to not to drink any water from their canteens, so they stay full and don't slosh around, making noise and giving them away. The entire company then proceeds to stomp through a rice paddy in the open in

Sandkings is great, I read it in the New Weird collection, which has an insane amount of quality stories in it.

the series that got me into fantasy, aside from LOTR of course. I remember rereading the whole series every time a new book came out but eventually I stopped as became too long, bloated, and repetitive. still haven't gone back to read the last 3 or 4 books. still holds a special place in my heart though. it is a great

haven't forgot about this, have it on my very long, very disjointed to read list

I missed all the immediate chat about it so I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this movie despite the marketing leaving me skeptical. The only bad thing I can say was that it dragged a bit in the middle.

Have not seen or heard much about this story in the news or on my social media feed. Thanks for bringing us the good shit, AVClub, keep it up

Reading the Age of Great Guns, a history on artillery. Then I'll probably read Wellington's Guns, a history on Wellington's artillery.
I've not read Grunt, though it sounds interesting. I will say this; whenever some piece of gear is made lighter, it just means you've got more room to carry something else. I don't