
I'll continue sinking hours into Lost Planet 2, Vermintide, and Path of Exile instead of playing any of the games I bought during the summer steam sale. I will also remain jealous of all the excellent ttrpg stories posted here. I will also consider starting a new hobby of either scale modeling or relearning guitar but

Looking forward to the profile of an AV Club commentator.
"oldirtyzachry smells bad but also of garbage, depending on the spelling"

My grandparents on my father's side are Filipino, so obviously some direct experiences in WW2. Never saw or heard any animosity or resentment from either of them; grandpa is even a Bataan Death March survivor. My grandpa joined the US Army after the war and served occupation duty in Japan. I've always wondered what

Can't wait for the US remake, on Freeform. Can these young, hot teens that look like middle twentysomethings put aside their relationship drama long enough to find out who murdered the adopted dancer at Das Boot prep school?

Fortunately the infrared buster will stop allow you override this technology. Still working on a way to get around infrared buster buster though.

I think crazy veteran with PTSD (and a general misunderstanding of the veteran and PTSD experience) is a stereotype/cliché people believe in/are influenced by in real life more than giant lizard monster. I agree horror can aid in the discussion but for the movies I brought up it's just a lazy label slapped on as an

I'm not familiar with Keating or his work but "we’ve got one deranged veteran—a favorite theme of director Mickey Keating" sounds like at least half a dozen shitty horror films on Netflix with the same premise of "PTSD veteran kills people". It would probably be detrimental to the discussions we should be having about

me make funny poo poo joke, get lots of upvotes

Continuing the lifting plan I jumped on a couple weeks ago, lifting 5 days a week. I've slightly modified it because there's no squats in it for another 2 weeks and I wanted to continue doing them. Think I'm going to have to start drinking protein shakes; I wanted to avoid that by just increasing my overall intake but

the toilet represents the AV Club comments section

they have to touch butts together to combine their birthmarks and unlock the true power of the dragon

Macho Man Randy Savage

I stand corrected, it was Newcleus that made Jam On

Yea I've been conflicted over my hate for the Sparrows since their introduction. They're shown helping the common folk and attempting to change the status quo of the nobility (who are truly awful people). However, 2 of the 3 people they imprison (Margy and Loras) are likely as good as they come so far as nobility is

yeah, RIP

ooooh, to SERVE Freys…. I get it

she learned blind-fighting and did a lot of crunches

it was a savage roast but I don't believe it resulted in any deaths

Instead of doing the TV commercials with celebrities like Age of Empires and whatever this new one with Arnold is, use blue cat people cosplayers

I know that, despite this season, we shouldn't expect or demand fan-pleasing character kill offs but I was hoping the High Sparrow would get something more along the lines of what Septa got.
Also, missed opportunity on the writers' part to throw a pocket sand joke in with Lancel.