
No-Maj backwards is jaM-oN…. the true name we needed to defeat the bad guy was right in front of us the whole time! *Nucleus begins to play*

Pretend I made a joke about Allen Iverson needing money and being a wizard or something

….but why Hufflepuff?

It's the story of how Isolt was born in Ireland, where her family was murdered by an evail aunt who hated Mudbloods. She escaped to America on the Mayflower with a stolen wand, befriended a cantankerous creature, stumbled across two orphaned wizard children, and fell in love with a No-Maj named James. Not entirely

So, we learn that Horned Serpent favours scholars, Wampus, warriors, Pukwudgie, healers and Thunderbird, adventurers, What do the others favor?

I've never seen all the movies or read the books, my wife loves them but her favorites are the first, the last, and one of the middle ones (the one where they compete against the other schools). So I'm always very confused when she watches them. I constantly ask why they don't just abolish Slytherine or why they

Also the picture of them on the header looks like they put a lot of effort into making it look like they don't put any effort into their personal appearance and I really hate that

Could not continue reading after the article mentioned they are associated with the Fat Jew. I've never heard of him until the most recent awards show; my wife was watching the pre-show and he was interviewing people and I just wanted to punch him.

I saw tie-in advertisements by Denny's and the army on TV weeks before I saw actual standalone trailers, so I felt that didn't bode well. Also, condolences to the army for having to stoop to that for recruitment.
edit- disregard, I just remembered America's Army the video game

Lannister stock is down; they're broke, short on manpower, short on leadership, and Cersei just made them even more hated.

If only he'd had some pocket sand handy instead of trying to blow them out

He the best

"Excuse me sir, please stop having sex in our theater"
"Bzz! BZZT!"

I rewatched this last month, still holds up so well. Sort of related, considering time period and overall vibe, rewatched the Mummy recently and appreciated it more than I did as a kid. I'm going to need someone to rip off Rocketeer, Mummy, Indiana Jones, and Uncharted and create my dream game please.

I'm tired of Littlefinger and his Sansa obsession. She's grown a lot and for her to go back to being under his influence would be a huge regression in my opinion. Also, wanting to be king doesn't really seem his style in my opinion.

Great episode, they won me back after all my complaining about last week's Battle of the Bastards. Was surprised to see them off Margy et all in the Sept (not that I didn't think Cersei was capable of it, just didn't think the writers would). This actually has me interested in Cersei and King's Landing for next


Steam Sales have taught me to play the long con on games so for $50 I got Deus Ex Human Rev, Medieval TW 2, Wolfenstein New Order, Saints Row 3, Dishonored, WH40K Space Marine, and Bro Force. Good mix of well-received games and some decent ones, plus an indie, none of which I've played before; all for the price of a

The first ads I saw were on FB and it seemed pretty vague; I thought it might be some sort of sci-fi horror. I think I thought all the kelp / blood in the water was some sort of flesh eating virus or something. Thought it looked interesting. Then I learned it was a shark, thought it might still be okay. Then I saw the

This better not become the grape inflation podcast