
Not in the know on the God of War ~backstory~ (only played GoW2 and didn't really pay attention to much besides slaying bodies) but why not just start fresh in Norse mythology?


It's alright Will Smith, we all make mistakes (referring to the mistake of claiming Wild Wild West was a mistake)

Lawful Purge Good

The longer trailer I saw last week before Conjuring 2 made me think they're going expand on the resistance concept some more, so that's good.

I thought the 2nd one was better than the first, partly because of Grillo and partly because it explored the concept in a much broader way. Trailers for this one look alright; disappointed they're keeping the purge-as-religion-for-rich people because I found that weak. Also, ease up on the "make America great" wink

I don't know if it was a very formal or official thing; they were continuing to bomb the city during the meeting

I actually thought it was a trap within a trap and that they Bolton cavalry were going to fall into a disguised trench, right up to the point where the countercharge hit.

Good points, I agree with you

You'd think they'd realize they have a massive force multiplier and what is essentially a mythical monster and realize they need to employ as a special weapon

Oh, good point, hadn't thought of that. But we don't really see any of Jon's army or know any of them outside a handful (Davos, Tormund, Wun Wun). It doesn't feel much like a brotherhood when Jon leads them to the slaughter within a few days of assembling them. We don't see him walk around and praise them as they

I keep telling myself Syrio is on that farm as well

Good read, hadn't thought of that. Hope she isn't pregnant- feels like that would be too obvious a twist or feel like a cop out.

I feel like honorable shouldn't = dumb. I think its more dishonorable to throw away your men's lives in a callous attack, especially when you have houses like the Marmonts who can't even spare 100 men due to the need for self defense and previous losses. Jon Snow is responsible to the lords who have pledged to him,

"jon, umberhall is SUCH bullshit - the maester makes me take my beanie off when we eat dinner and the guard's don't let me skateboard. When I'm 17 I'm totally suing for emancipation"

Yea I posted a long rant in expert review about how they had a Cannae set up and threw it away, among other things. I feel like its at the point where minor houses and/or the peasantry themselves would be up in rebellion over dying in stupid battles under inept commanders for stupid causes that fizzle out on behalf of

That was one of my nitpicks of the battle as well.

I would imagine most of them to be tired of the fighting, not to mention exhausted of manpower. The northern houses seem to be more straight forward loyal but they simultaneously seem like the type that wouldn't hesitate to go internal for their own preservation, as we've seen already in some instances.

I suppose it's fair to compare the battle of the bastards to Band of Brothers in terms of visceral, brutal violence but the Easy Company attack on the German artillery after their D-Day drop is still cited in military training as a perfect example of planning and execution while Jon Snow's "charge a superior force and

Everybody talks about the mullet and bringing it back and make mullets great again and mullets never left and are still great but what about the rat tail?