
I've seen them in Japan and the middle east. I never went to one so I don't know if they had different menu items. I also saw one in Guam, which had chili cheese fries on the menu.

Kenny Powers to Engineer: "You wear clothes like a fuckin dick head"
Later, after watching a chestburster…. burst from a crewmember: "You're fucking out"

Davos suggested a plan that probably would have been the best shot, and I figured the result would be the Westeros Battle of Cannae but instead we got… whatever that was

I think it was because she knew Jon and Onion Knight would not trust Littlefinger. Then again, she should be the person who trusts him the least

I didn't watch this until last night because I was busy having my heart broken watching basketball on Sunday.
I know this episode is already 100 years old in internet time but holy hell I have a lot to get off my chest in regards to this episode. I'm not usually a nitpicker; you want to have 20 Bolton guys route an

No, it was a free taco in celebration of the first on-the-road win. So, it could have been for the Cavs, had the won on the road first.

I consider myself a big western fan but the only Eastwood westerns I've seen are The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and Unforgiven. I tend to prefer the black and white versus the low quality color look. It feels more crisp to me and I better visualize the actual environments in comparison to my actual experiences traveling

Indies I'll support at full price from time to time, just to help bolster them but I definitely don't feel bad waiting for a AAA game to go on sale for 40-60% off

It gets worse? Oh god

I think years of reality not living up to the hype and trailers of gameplay-less footage have left me unable to look forward to games, even though I still enjoy playing them. I think Dark Souls 2 and 3 were the only games in the past 5 years I bought within a week of release at the earliest.
And because I have no where

I'm going to finished up Goodbye Darkness this week (posted about it in last week's anything thread- WW2 memoir, highly recommended). Then I'm going to start on the last 2 books of the Remaining series. I'm not big into the zombie genre but these books have some of the best action scenes I've ever read; the closet

I watched the Conjuring 2 and it was bad. The first is probably one of my favorite mainstream horror movies in the past 10+ years. This one… not so much. I thought the old man was better in Insidious 3 and the creepy kid's fairy tale monster was better in the Babadook. And the hanging out the window, holding onto a

not wanting elaborate backstory for a minor character? you've crossed wookiepedia for the last time, mister evil

its me, I'm han solo

When masked killer Ghostface makes the ultimate obscene phone call to Casey (Drew Barrymore), he effectively mocks her for being frightened by common horror movie scare, rhyming "Ghostface, catch the blast of a hype verse
My Glock bursts, leave in a hearse, I did worse
I come rough, tough like an elephant tusk
Ya head

I've always meant to read it. Goodbye Darkness, which I've detailed in my own comment, might be of interest to you. I can see some parallels between it and the move version of Thin Red Line

I'm almost done reading Goodbye Darkness by William Manchester. He was an Ivy Leaguer who dropped out to enlist in the Marine Corps during WW2. The book was written in the late 70s as he visits the various islands of the Pacific Theatre and confronts, what is most likely, his lingering PTSD. On each island he provides

I've been primarily in to running most my life but the last few years it's felt rougher on my body. Maybe I need to implement an actual training plan to build back up. That, combined having work slow down much more (so I can sneak out after lunch, when the gym isn't crowded) means I've started to actually lift. I

Now You See Me 3: Never Seen Me

First one was a fine action film, a change-up from the typical Bay-style stuff we've seen recently. Cruise and Keanu Reeves should continue making these type of summer action flicks; they're not groundbreaking but they are cool.