
Also, the Faceless Men went from cool to extremely whack when it was revealed they just kill people for money, rather than having some sort of higher purpose or more nebulous association with killing/death.

Please change care factor for the waif from 2.5 to 0 because she, a member of a highly secretive cult of face-changing, death worshiping assassins that most people have never heard of, terminator slow-stalked Arya in broad daylight through various crowds for an extended amount of time before dying in an obvious trap.

I want some one to do a deep delve on researching the weirdo behind this, like the guy behind all the "competitive tickling" stuff. I just have a desire to know what these people are like in their everyday lives and what prompted these fetishes in them.

Yea, I'd like to see her in a wider variety of roles, but especially comedies that more quirky/goofy rather than standard rom-coms/summer comedy types

The day after the whole wedding party went to the parks together with matching shirts. I had to be back at work so I missed it.

If she'd actually learned something from the Faceless Men besides how to fight in the dark or pick pocket people

One of the popular, official remixes really draws out the piano and it sounds great

Memory is hazy; what happened to Gendry? Last I recall he was being used as a personal blood bank. I thought/forgot/misinterpreted him as dying

Was Jaqen's smirk for Arya because that was his plan all along or because he genuinely likes her determination? Perhaps some third option. Either way is kind of whack, and the whole cult looks pretty lame in retrospect. At least her arc could (potentially) become more dynamic now.

My best friend got married at a Disney World hotel. Myself and the other groomsmen had music from Indiana Jones as our walk in music. I don't know if the onsite hotels count as part of this subculture but it probably doesn't matter since he got divorced in a year. Well, that's my Disney marriage story.

This song is cool

Podrick is actually the mastermind behind it all and will be the only one left standing in the end

He's got bees on his head…

I've never bothered getting into the conspiracy theories because I read the books and started the series late, so starting to explore them now that we are outpacing the books. Some of the ones on this are pretty interesting and creative. Actually making me look forward to Arya again; her storyline was dragging big

I only made it 15 minutes into the first one; too much smug-ness all around

Everyone hates on the rolling spaceship but I immediately knew I had made a poor decision when the opening scene was a giant albino alien in a diaper

Still playing Doom 3 and Dark Souls 3. They compliment each other well. Considering picking up Overwatch as well but I'm also hoping for some good deals on GoG/Steam when the summer sales hit.

Same except the one where it's spelt out with guns instead. I get it, you like guns.

master roshi lookin good

In the grimdark alternate universe Fantastic Four there is only more darker