
It's been 1 whole episode since…

"Number of Episodes Since They Last Showed a Penis"

This dude is 100

Still catching up on Campaign after being on deployment; it's so enjoyable I haven't listened to any of my other regular podcasts since returning. If you've never heard of it, it's a Star Wars RPG Actual Play and everyone comes from an improv/comedy background.

Sequel is sounding better and better; original was a big let down. I don't think I'll ever understand the love it gets; other than the effects and kaiju design everything was weak. I hardly ever take offensive at movies but some of the characters were offensive stereotypes in my opinion.

Sounds like one of those anime where the tanks are little girls or whatever

Oh, definitely Mystikal
Context would be tough but everything would always be pretty intense and exciting.

Apparently Varejo gets a ring regardless of who wins, since he played so many games with the Cavs this season.

I'd have never guessed he was a redditor

Looks bland and the story sounds awful. But they included a level from Time Splitters 2 as an easter egg so I'll pick it up from the bargin bin in a few months.

I like the cast and look forward to seeing this but I still wish they had cast the women from Parks and Rec. Or made it a Parks and Rec spin off. Parks and Rec. Parks. Rec. Parks Rec.

The era of Jordy sounds like a very grimdark time

Tupac is still hiding out in Jamaica

Yes, that's the one! It's so awful. Somehow I vaguely remember the melody right now even though it's been about 15 years since then. When I get home from work I'll give it a listen and hate myself (and you)- thank you.

I took French class in high school and our teacher would play the French version of this all the time to help us practice our listening comprehension. As terrible as it was to hear over and over again it was a relief from the other song she would play, which was some sort of Europop hit at the time featuring a 4 or 5

In the military I have served with a larger variety of people than I ever interacted with in the civilian workplace and certainly college- all different races, religions (or non-religious), political beliefs, etc. While most people in the military are generally Christian, I have never found religion to be forced upon

Shut your hole, Wang Chung

My grandpa was born in the Philippines but joined the U.S. Army after WW2 and became a citizen. During Korea he served in a supply job and he and a friend took a truck full of winter clothes to a nearby Filipino military unit, who did not come prepared for the cold weather. They traded the clothes to them for some

Like many people I buy games on the cheap on steam and don't play them for years, so I just started Skyrim 3 months ago. Near the end of the main plot and I've knocked out a lot of side content but I needed a break so I started up Valkyria Chronicles for the first time. I'm about 4 hours in and it's not really doing

Has there been a Puppet Master "Run the Series"?