
Always thought the C96 was a cool looking design. My go in any game featuring it for that alone.

The New Weird, an anthology edited by the VanderMeers. Not all horror per se but if you enjoy Ligotti he is in there along with many similar writers. Its a massive collection but well worth it. I found only 2 or 3 stories that I didn't enjoy and perhaps 2 others that I liked but felt didn't fit thematically.

I like baseball on TV because I can have it on in the background while I do other things. I like it in person because if its a good game you get into it and if not its more of a social atmosphere with those around you. Plus, cheap tickets

"must needs" was the phrase that got me. I read through all the books after seeing the first season of the show and it really burned me out, to the point where I've just now gone back to watch season two and onward. I agree fully with you that it becomes a boring slog. I don't know if I'll ever revisit the series,

I'm reading the first book in the Greatcoats series, Traitor's Blade. About a quarter of the way in and it hasn't hooked me yet but I'm going to push through. Was hoping for more buckling of swashes. After that will be a book on Jefferson and Hamilton a coworker is loaning me followed by the last book in the Remaining

then he gives duplicate keys to his friends with names like D-Money, Smoothie and Shifty and you know they always track mud inside the house and they never shut the fridge door all the way

We really need this in the American military. We have cold weather MREs, which have even more calories, but eating a normal one in the heat/humidity is tough. I was stationed at a desert base for three years and I could never eat a full MRE in the summer, even over the course of the day. I would usually discard the

My paternal grandfather is a combat vet of WW2 and Korea and he enjoys watching old war films and military history shows, which surprises me considering what he must have experienced. My grandmother once told me he would have bad nightmares about it but that was almost ten years ago. I don't believe he does anymore as

Quite surprised to find that her Pacific Rim character has such a strong following. As an Asian-American,I found it to be a racist caricature. The standard Asian female- very docile, submissive, and exotic- but good at martial arts! Just waiting for a strong white guy to win her over. Also, raised by a westerner. Then

"While that kind of entrenched, reflexive hostility toward any questioning of top-down loyalty may be exactly the problem".