
Spent the 90's in Japan teaching. I remember another Yank ex-pat telling me about this great new show called "Friends." 
"It's the next Seinfeld," she enthused.
Didn't get a chance to watch it until I moved home in '98.
I thought it was the biggest lily-white piece of crap I'd ever seen.
It must be an age (generational

Spent the 90's in Japan teaching. I remember another Yank ex-pat telling me about this great new show called "Friends." 
"It's the next Seinfeld," she enthused.
Didn't get a chance to watch it until I moved home in '98.
I thought it was the biggest lily-white piece of crap I'd ever seen.
It must be an age (generational

Cultural note: In the U.K. they call a "tramp stamp," a "slag tag."
Both work for me. Ladies, they're not attractive.

Tattoos, guys wearing backward baseball caps and diamond stud earrings (or any earrings for that matter) have expired sell-by dates, and are unimaginative and lame. 

Bingo! At least with the heading.
I liked SPR and didn't care for BoB, but cared even less for the pretentious, bad college newspaper writing style of the article.
By the way, Thin Red Line sucked, and Kubrick was washed up for years before his final sno0zer.

Oh no.
Everyone wants to whine about how they been done dirty. They even invent groups that have no real connection (Hispanic-American, Asian-American). Cuban-Americans care about as much Speedy Gonzales as Mexican-Americans care about Elian Gonzales. The Frito Bandito was racist, good god, worry about something