
I'm happy there's more Community and that we get to spend more time with these characters, but is anyone else finding themselves missing the rapid-fire dialogue around the study table? I know they still need to establish chemistry between the new and old characters, but it's just making Shirley and Troy's absence more

The only way I could see Frankie and Jeff being a thing would be if they for some reason wanted to jump-start a Jeff/Annie full-on romance….Annie looks up to Frankie in the sense that she wants to be like her when she's older. Jeff dating Frankie would cause Annie to have an existential crisis (which is where she's

I think Jeff (with him having to be drunk to teach class) and Britta (bartending) have always been borderline alcoholics(that's probably why they hooked up so much in season 2), but because we don't have Troy, Shirley, and Pierce, there's just more time to showcase it.

I would say that when Adam took her back, he was in a pretty dark, depressing place too. Especially after what he did to his rebound girlfriend (which was debated as possibly rape).

It seems like this show is going in the same direction as Dunham's life did (I mean, it's supposed to be a satirized version of Dunham's life in Brooklyn).

I love this show…It has the potential to go to dark places (not just the dark place of the mole-women bunker).

Forget my last comment, I just googled it. Thanks! I figured Cordelia would be some last-minute twist to be a Supreme candidate.

I didn't make it to the end…who'd it end up being?

Jen Kirkman has some pretty strong opinions. She usually either hates or loves something.

I'm waiting for her to slowly take over Hannah's life and friends until all that Hannah has left is Jessa….who then leaves like she always does and goes to Morocco or Nepal.

I agree…The second Marnie has the opportunity to open her own art gallery, she'll drop Desi in a split second and say something about how it was an unrealistic dream.

"What if I want to feel like I have utters?"

It's in every person who's in a Judd Apatow production's contract.

I think the joke was that the kid, named "Simon," looked like Simon Rich, who did write for SNL.

That was definitely a Party Girl reference.

I think we, the audience, are supposed to recognize that Mimi-Rose is shallow and completely full of it, but Hannah is too disillusioned and fucked up to notice.

She moved back to New York. They have the best bag-gels.

Hey, you're not allowed to call Britta the worst! Only we are!

I officially want a spin-off show about Ray and Mark Maron fighting about local NYC politics.

I completely agree…I wouldn't be surprised if Hannah left and told them to suck it (in fact, it's probably what is likely going to happen). I'm still confused as to if Hannah's writing is supposed to be terrible or good. It seems that Dunham hasn't taken a strong stance on it and it's one of the problems with the