
It looks like she doesn't appear until Hannah is back in NYC for whatever reason….so probably around episode 5.

The show doesn't take place in real time. In Girls time, it's only been about a year since the pilot episode.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the show is arguably from Hannah's perspective. Each episode is like an excerpt from a her memoir. So these characters in the workshop are how Hannah perceives them. If we saw an objective version of that scene, it would be different and less harsh, but because it's

Pretty sure they wrote this webisode before The Canon came out/aired.

He was so out of character and way too happy. There had to be a reason he did not have an awesome, sarcastic comment about that Jazz brunch and what Jazz brunches mean to us as a society.

I agree…For some reason I don't see Lena Dunham having continued success into her forties. It's clear from the most recent season of Girls that she's already losing touch with realistic outcomes for her character (i.e. Hannah getting into the Iowa Writers' Workshop, Marnie's music career taking off, Adam being on

Oh, the pilot is great…the rest of the series is a trainwreck. It's actually pretty fun to hate-watch.

Studio 60 was pretty horrible….I mean there are three 45-minute episodes about Sorkin, I mean, Mathew Perry's character, going on a date with Harriet. Three!

Can't believe I forgot about Band of Brothers….Mathew Perry really has had the worst post-Friends career.

Especially since it already has two confirmed seasons.

I feel like Mathew Perry has had the worst post-Friends career besides David Schwimmer. Perry has been in so many failed pilots/shows that he should just star in a post-modern series where every episode is just Mathew Perry in a previously unseen, shitty TV Pilot.

No The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?

Basil, you would believe a story like that.

Not saying Jay's story is 100% correct. There are definitely flaws and he was definitely coached, but I don't think that automatically means he did it.
It's just if you look on reddit, a lot of people seem to think Jay is some criminal mastermind and framed Adnan.
Whatever happened is obviously too complicated for us

Exactly. Then there's those people Koenig talked to who say that the crime actually took place in the library parking lot! And it's obvious that Adnan had to have been with Jay at some point that day (to get his car back/get weed from Jay). It's come to the point in the narrative where it's not about what happened or

The weird thing is, is that Jay has a story, but no motive and Adnan has no story and a motive, yet people still think Jay framed Adnan. Although I think Adnan did not receive a fair trial, there's no way a 19 year-old framed an 18 year-old. This isn't a Lifetime movie.

Hell yeah!!!!!! USA taking forever to renew this made me have suspicions that they would cancel it. Best news all day!

You could take "Murder Santa" out of the entire narrative and just have some random patient try to attack Sister Jude and the narrative would be the exact same. It was just filler for two episodes.

I agree…I still think the Glee pilot is great and shows potential for a dry, dark comedy series (which we all know did not happen).

I started re-watching Asylum on Netflix. It's definitely scarier than Murder House, but the storylines are just all over the place. I've found myself fast-forwarding through all of the stupid crap.
Asylum also didn't use the Sister Mary Eunice character to her full potential story-wise and instead decided aliens would