
Fucking Lucky from 101 Dalmatians. The little dolt got into all sorts of trouble because he didn't get enough oxygen at birth.

Fucking Lucky from 101 Dalmatians. The little dolt got into all sorts of trouble because he didn't get enough oxygen at birth.

The first season (based on "Redwall") was nicely animated (it was done in France by Alphanim), but then a German studio took over for the remaining two seasons ("Mattimeo" and "Martin the Warrior"), and the results were pretty shitty. Ugly, overly cartoony designs. Bah.

The first season (based on "Redwall") was nicely animated (it was done in France by Alphanim), but then a German studio took over for the remaining two seasons ("Mattimeo" and "Martin the Warrior"), and the results were pretty shitty. Ugly, overly cartoony designs. Bah.

Also, Julie was totally a lesbian, right? I always got that vibe from her.

Also, Julie was totally a lesbian, right? I always got that vibe from her.

Bullshit, ducks don't fly together. Those are Canadian geese (which actually DO fly in a "v", unlike ducks!) superimposed over the plane at the end of the film.

Bullshit, ducks don't fly together. Those are Canadian geese (which actually DO fly in a "v", unlike ducks!) superimposed over the plane at the end of the film.

Pretty much any of Disney's sports underdog movies from the early/mid-90s: the Mighty Ducks movies, Angels in the Outfield, and Cool Runnings in particular. Though Cool Runnings I'd say is actually a pretty decent film generally, all things considered.
D2: The Mighty Ducks is probably the worst of the Ducks trilogy,

Pretty much any of Disney's sports underdog movies from the early/mid-90s: the Mighty Ducks movies, Angels in the Outfield, and Cool Runnings in particular. Though Cool Runnings I'd say is actually a pretty decent film generally, all things considered.
D2: The Mighty Ducks is probably the worst of the Ducks trilogy,

But why is Spidey's suit made from basketballs?

But why is Spidey's suit made from basketballs?

But why is Spidey's suit made from basketballs?

Silly Americans and their hybrid snackfoods. Here in Canada, we only have 8 different varieties of Pop-Tarts, not 372.

For Better Or For Worse also inspired a weekly TV series in 2000. Every half hour featured three stories from different eras of the strip—one from the '80s, one from the '90s, and one from the '00s.

I have no interest in following So You Think You Can Dance, but can anyone tell me who that stunning fellow is in the screenshot in the toga? I want his head on my boob.

It's just like the trio from s1.

Yay, I knew Kymia would win. Good for her.

Sad to see Dusty go, but I think he'll end up finding success on his own.

LOVE this idea! If you do this again next year, I beg you to cover A Cosmic Christmas, the first TV special produced by the Canadian animation company Nelvana. I don't know if anyone in the US is familiar with it, but it's a delightfully weird little story.