
If Barry went back in time and prevented both his mother's death and Harrison Wells' crash/death, he'd be similarly marooned there unless Actual Wells (as opposed to the Wells imposter we've come to know) followed instructions from Barry on what to do to ensure events still made him the Flash . . . and that's all

That's what I had been thinking, though I couldn't tell by looking if it was natural or a wig. Who knew that Luke hair + Joker voice + Hannibal cell = awesome?

Yeah, telling Eddie but not Iris was the biggest flaw in an otherwise great episode. "I will protect you by keeping you ignorant" fits more with how villains operate. Demerits, Team Flash, demerits.

Now if only they could program it to make toast . . .

Great, now I'm picturing him as the reporter in the Goody Two Shoes video . . .

And then be strangled with it by episode's end — it's Chekhov's loincloth! Everyone wins!

I gave this ep a B on the strength of the James Brown sketch alone — that was gold! Rest of the ep was up and down. Kate McKinnon's Bieber is always funny.

Aha — good to know. Thank you!

Just based on characterization, I don't think Hunter would have gone down there to stop the bombs going off. Unless the whole lot of them went down, which . . . actually is what should have happened, from a pragmatic 'this is the best way to defuse all the bombs' perspective.

Loved that, but would have really loved Linda chiming in with something like "Oooh, like a PATryoshka!"

Ugh, yes, the music they used was terrible! Generic orchestral theme, but also some misplaced jaunty tunes that cut any suspense they were trying to build. Improving the musical score would help them a lot, though it wouldn't cover up the flaws in the writing.

Oh, there was a plot. It was a largely implausible plot, but it was there. This seems to be the kind of show where you just kinda have to go with it — "Hey guys, magic is real, and here's how it works, and here's our base of operations, a pocket universe library." I don't have a problem with that. I watch and

Concept-wise, it seemed more like Warehouse 13 crossed with Doctor Who, with a smidge of Harry Potter. But it played more like the Hallmark Channel trying to be SyFy. Which . . . yeah.

I thought of that too. Definite missed opportunity not to have their pet frankenstein at least join the fray and fight against Moloch's undead army. I do hope they'll pick up that thread and bring him back.

Side-hackers! But will there be curry powder wrestling . . .

I'm pissed that Irving died, but Hawley's gotta die before either Katrina or Henry.

When they found out the cost of using the sword, I said with glee, "Oooh! Hawley can use it! Give it to Hawley! Go get him now!" It's literally the only time I have wanted to see Hawley on screen. And they went and got him! And . . . nope, he didn't grab the sword and die heroically, he got to babysit Abraham.

The mere presence of Hawley in a Sleepy Hollow episode is much like the Wee Baby Moloch at Katrina's neck — he sucks the life out of it.

I had that thought — still on the fence about it.

I had that thought — still on the fence about it.