
Isn't that basically what New Pornographers songs are, @avclub-5dedb42b34e50082065a783265ce28a8:disqus ?

Sometimes you film something, and you not realize how it going to come across until it already out there.

Personally me was hoping Oppenheimer would be vampire or something.

Yes. Although it more novella or long short story than novel. It interesting, but squarely good-but-not-great.

Zinglebert Bambledack!

Me feel like, gay or straight, this guy really not worth spending much time on. Me know you have long relationship and all, but he sounds like tons of work just to maintain basic friendship. Life's too short.

Me starting to think that guy always wear same dress! What is deal with that?

That was some nice speculatin', @avclub-7a5a3fe4ae33de425d06ac4fe8d097d2:disqus .

One of great tragedies of John Edwards turning out to be huge asshole was that he was only person on political scene talking about actually doing something about poverty (not paying companies to send jobs away was part of that).

You've read some Steven King, obviously.

Especially if you have a son. Me read The Road, and then next book me read - World War Z - felt like light-hearted romp by comparison.

Exactly. Whole thing about companies hiring illegal immigrants because "there some jobs Americans not willing to do" just absolute bullshit. Plenty of Americans have shitty job. But there some jobs immigrants willing to do for less than minimum wage. If companies stop skirting minimum wage laws, we not have problem

They were good jobs in sense that you could support family, buy house, have two cars in driveway. Compared to people who work at Wal-Mart and are still on welfare because they make so little money? Me think "good job" understatement.

Good advice, @avclub-7b854e1c9778aa8ff839837766cf71d3:disqus ! That always work on me!

You not actually do each other's hair?

Wow, me sorry we missed you, @avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus . Me going to make exception to @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus 's no "maybe next time" rule. Definitely next time.

Me guess success or failure depend on how good your alibi is.

Me think men and women probably have different reactions to grabbiness, too. (Me know me generalizing). Women pretty constantly subjected to unwanted male attention, and unannounced grabass (or -boob) veer uncomfortably close to strange man rubbing up against you on subway.

Me will point out that third guy really laying self-pity on thick. "Series of failed relationships?" That what relationships are. Either they fail and you break up, or one of you dies. "Series of failed relationships" indistinguishable from "series of relationships."