Neither. But me still navigating perils of dual identity. But me would have made same argument about JB no matter who wrote article.
Neither. But me still navigating perils of dual identity. But me would have made same argument about JB no matter who wrote article.
Me have learned lot this summer about people ripping off someone's shtick. That being said, Big Red No is sacred! Some things should not be messed with!
Me pretty clearly remember "these guys are so old" jokes pretty consistently from Undercover until Bill Wyman left. Then it start to shift to, "these guys still going… that pretty impressive!"
That was best Caruso in long time.
Back off, @avclub-39a4f47085d726aada6a591af099e998:disqus , me a scientist!
You're a fiend, Joker!
He saying Booooooo-atman.
In fairness, @avclub-f2e4e72a8a3dfe3f1f45252b11f5cb8b:disqus , it is pretty good deal if you going in cold. If you already own software and pay for upgrades, it much more expensive.
Bad choice of metaphors!
Creative Cloud! It like being forced to buy useless upgrade every 18 months, except twice as expensive!
Sunday is going forward. Me busy on Sesame Street during day, so me not really in position to do Savage Cookie, unless it all get written between 12:30 and 1, or after 10pm.
Me can say from experience that even when toddler wear diaper designed for toddler, some liquid can leak out onto sheets. So if he were wetting bed, parents would know.
Me horribly offended!
Yes. Let's not confuse "kleptomania" with "being 14 years old."
Plenty of ten-fingered 19-year-olds assume no one will ever love them. Me hope he get over that sooner rather than later.
Me actually thought Into Darkness end on very Trek-like note of optimism. Kirk reject warmongering of Admiral Robocop, and make speech at end to assert that Federation should be about peace and exploration. Granted, we not see much of either in movie, but it about how Kirk mature, and maybe Federation with him.…
Me think between @avclub-1d95c73e140242a536db072ff6adf252:disqus and @WrongSirWrong:disqus , we have really good point. Both movies feature Kirk maturing and facing death, in different ways. But Darkness also deal with government overreaction to terrorism and foreign threat - very typical post-Bush theme for movie to…
Saturday, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus ? Me thought we said Sunday. Or are you going to come to Sesame Street day early to kick ass? Either way, me ready. Behind fur, and accumulated flab from eating cookies, me pure muscle.
According to Google Translate, that phrase Esperanto for "Please alert the goalkeeper, there seems to be a frog in my bidet"
Courtroom scene was pretty bad, but it compounded that they end up in same flimsy courtroom set in one of next week's episodes. Series really go out on low note, as second trip to courtroom pretty dire, apart from Sexy Star Trek, which always make me laugh.