
You able to enjoy cushy job sitting in air-conditioned room typing things on internet because you not have to provide own food, because farmer do that for you. Civilization exist because of farmers. It pretty noble profession that involve lot of hard, thankless work. Especially nowadays when Monsanto and few other

It would never, ever happen, but they would put on fantastic show. Me saw them at Madison Square Garden, and even though they in middle of bill between two bands me love (Sleater-Kinney and Wilco), they blew other bands out of water because they actually knew how to play to giant room. They fill entire airspace of

Also, it not like he ask what rimming mean. Where babies come from? They grow in mama's tummy. How hard is that? That answer satisfy kids for several years before you have to give them faintest inkling about how baby got there in first place.

Me thought that was worst ad of night. Only thing worse than "women are shrews and men are idiots!" commercial is "being shitty parent is just hi-larious!" commercial. It combine lying to kids to avoid mildly awkward conversation, and then end with one of least favorite commercial tropes: "shut that kid up by shoving

Yeah, me was waiting for Harvey to say, "God made farmer. But he not exist anymore because Monsanto bought up all family farms."

Remember few years ago when NASA send up satellite with weapons-grade uranium as part of payload, and people freaked out because explosion at right altitude would irradiate everyone, but it went off without hitch? This exactly like that, except worse because instead of uranium, it Axe body spray splattering all across

Yeah, but me would rather see Kat Dennings in pretty much anything else than grating ad that end with clunky joke-that-not-really-joke.

Me registered domain for GoDaddy, and then put it together that it same company with obnoxious ads, and drop them immediately. Me recommend DotEasy - if you just want basic site without lots of big file, hosting is free, but it very easy to scale up to site with PHP, SQL, etc.

Me assure you, not making playoffs for 15 years much more depressing than having dynastic run as one of best teams in football. Those Superbowl teams still great teams and lot of fun to watch all season. Me not able to say that about any Bills team since Flutie get benched.

Come on. Bills fans have to live in Buffalo - it like Detroit without G.M. or Ford.

You know no part of that true, @avclub-a4e8f15b858da0b458ebab547be3965d:disqus . @avclub-817fde73cb35d91a2cb63520835563f9:disqus 's comment may be true, me not sure.

Yeah, @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus , me really think Norwood not deserve blame. If Kelly had made one more throw, he not have to kick 47-yarder on grass with Superbowl on line. He accurate kicker, but not distance guy - it not really fair to put whole thing on his shoulders.

Thomas' helmet was vs. Redskins. '94 was when Thomas fumble after halftime, and Cowboys score to tie game. Game was tied! But you could see on faces of Bills players that game was over. They just too psychologically beaten down by losing first three. They saw game getting away from them, and it became self-fulfilling

Dogs? With bees in their mouths? So when they bark they shoot bees at you?

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus , Moriarty in two stories - Doyle brings him back in flashback story when he resumes writing about Holmes. But he pretty awful character, as written. "Final Problem," and Moriarty, pretty much only exist to kill off Holmes. There no real puzzle in story, and Moriarty

Me was big fan of Tasker as player, so me happy to see him do so well as reporter. Sadly, this only time Buffalo Bill ever have entire Super Bowl riding on him and it actually work out okay in end.

Watching game with SAP on fantastic. They use same hyperactive announcers they use for futból, so it pretty much opposite of Jim Nantz. Every TD announced with "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!" like guy who caught ball just won WWII.

Who have it worse on Super Bowl Sunday: Lions fans, or Bills fans? Discuss.

Me feel like this rare instance when charge he pled to actually appropriate charge. He not murder anyone, or help murder anyone, or think about murdering anyone, but he did in fact obstruct justice.

Me meant in this particular game. There lots of badness to go around. Rise of sites like Grantland and Classical in recent years just highlight awfulness of sports writing/reporting in America. Me feel like, if they fire everyone but Al Michaels and start over, we probably see vast improvement.