the regular God IS the metal god…duh!
i was just thinking to myself today, "i sure wish av club would cover more metal". thank you av club for robbing me of my thoughts.
yeah the dopesmoker cd confirms the lack of suites within the song. the only place one finds anything resembling a suite is on the original jerusalem album which breaks up the song into six arbitrary parts…i blame the music cartel (the label i believe who put it out originally) and i completely agree with the monarch…
read an interview with some legal expert who goes by the name of slash a few months ago in which the interviewer asked the intrepid legal moralist how he felt about the poor sap arrested for leaking the chinese democracy album early. to which the verbally nomenclatured man replied "i hope he rots in…
uhhh jerusalem is ONE song…the suite-ness is only the record label making arbitrary delineations because we as a record buying public are apparently unable to digest one 60 minute track… similar shenanigans split up lateralus by tool and cassandra gemini by the mars volta (one of the few things itunes did right was…