
WOOO HOOOO!!!!!! out of all these seasons.. I had to miss one which is won by a fellow south Asian… Binge watched the season… LOVED IT!!!!!! Great winner!!!
Random Thoughts on the season in the context of Survivor as a whole;
This is definitely a middle of the pack season.. somewhere in between Tocantins and south

Unsure of all the Kass haters. of course she flipped. But that doesn't mean that spells doom for her. Rob C did the same in Amazon. And he is still hailed. Kass is doing the same thing. And i believe that there is still a long way to go for her to reach Rob's levels but she has the potential to get there.

I have a feeling that sarah will side with the Brains-3 and Morgon et al. with Jeremiah moving back to LJ with Tony being the wild card swinging between two factions… but will be out by no:6 or 7… also i have a feeling that this will have a brain winner…

and his surname rhymes with "Nachos"

even the worst season of survivor is great tv… take it from a guy who fell in love with this show after watching Africa. i freaking loved it when i saw it long back…

are you talking about the same show?? lindsey quit right after the vote.. not sure why tony is getting such a slack… i agree that he is overplaying.. but he is at least thinking strategicaly unlike the other brawn members…

I would like to respectably disagree with you. I think Tony did a sensible maneuver. There was not a single possible scenario where he was going to sit next to Cliff in an FTC situation. Cliff is seemingly close to Woo and Lindsey and he might join forces with Sarah (if there existed a mutually beneficial situation).

Net gain in that Candice ended up returning to BvW with John and not Billy… who knows what would've happened if billy stayed till tribe swap in CI with Candice…and somehow starvation on the island made him more attractive for Candice *shudders*

My head is spinning just thinking of them… spot on for naming the perfect brain tribe…

Hope there's a challenge with peanut butter this season then….

Upvoted for mentioning that!!

How come you forgot the pioneer of sucking!!!
Osten Taylor… he was hilariously bad….
He lost to Rupert in a strength challenge… thats how bad he was..

I hope no one ever acknowledge the existence of Brandon Hantz ever on a survivor forum. That guy is a disgraceful slap in the face to everything survivor.

My favorite is Cirie losing to Amanda in FvF final challenge… that was such a nurse challenge.. holding a ball in a longish cylinder… :( only if cirie had won it…

that's the exact reason why Tasha should've kept J'tia. She would be in such a good position in the tribe swap next week if J'tia was around. Lets say all 3 survive till the merge; she would have had a better chance with J'tia since there is little possibility that J'tia would do well in the immunity challenges. So

The above picks are just based on gut instinct for me since I am unable to see the cast interviews. can someone just fill me in where i can watch those. I am not from the US BTW.

Sure man!!!
J'Tia, Woo, Morgan and Trish can i have a couple of Subs who i can use till episode 2. then that will be final.

Updates Winners Rankings:

Any reason why Cook Islands is so low?? can't imagine a reviewer ranking CI or Yul that low. Lower than even One World??

Suggestion: Can we encourage alliances within the champs league. i'e., if a Champs league players lose their survivors, they can pool in the points that his remaining survivor makes (or half of it) or whatever, and give it to an alliance mate of his choosing. His alliance member may be someone who loses someone. or