The Bartender from The Quick a

But they're so pretty!

Since we can always do something
I'm gonna try to solve Theology. (AKA Comment the shit out of this article.)

Oh, it's totally bugged somehow.

Frankly - and I hate to differ with TVDW on anything - I liked the excess of atmosphere in the first three episodes better. Sure this one had more human characters; I can get those anywhere! I was really starting to like just riding the R-Train and wondering what the heck was going on.

I was gonna add Six Feet Under. And it's a bit of an antique, but Star Trek TNG ended really well.

T2 did everything it its considerable power to make a sequel impossible. By any standard, it should have been the end of things.

Eh. It's nothing to kill or die for.

Yeah, I haven't really used this name to its fullest potential…