
Don't agree with all of the selections (Ron and Tammy should be here), but kudos to Erik for noting the precipitous drop in quality in seasons 5 and 6. Seven has been a real turnaround, thank goodness.

Unfortunately, that cover is a marked improvement over her portrayal and costume in the New 52 so far.

The Death of the Family Batman and Robin issues at least looked really nice and creepy.

Where did you hear that James Robinson story? I would like to read it.

Probably not. DC is doing variant covers with her on all of the books this month.

I've got to say, the comparison here is pretty dumb. Perhaps there are some gendered biases in YA fiction (I don't read a lot of it, so I'm not sure), but this article almost presupposes that Twilight is met with derision because a woman wrote it and it's a romance. Perhaps it's derided because it's garbage

I disagree with the watch/don't watch recommendation. Batman and Robin is the most interesting of these films to rewatch, as its train wreck status gives it a real "can't look away" quality.

What about Ha? I really like his work on Top 10, and it's the same number of issues as Gibbons' Watchmen (more if you count the Forty-Niners).

Listen. Just read the four omnibus volumes of Gotham Central.

Yeah, I really like the art in that, and as much as a feel like a Philistine, Campbell's art in "From Hell" just doesn't speak to me. I get what it's trying to do, I suppose, but it's not for me.

I believe Ant Colony was originally serialized as a webcomic before it was published in book form, so it's certainly possible that @craigward:disqus could have read it previously.

Ugh this show is so duuuuuuuumb

Sure, quality doesn't indicate movie or TV quantity, I just think it's surprising is all. As you said, the others pop up regularly, and I don't think that's just because they had work pre-HIMYM.

Even if I agreed with you, which I don't, that still doesn't explain why he doesn't get work. There are a lot of fucking terrible actors who get work in Hollywood after carrying several seasons of a commercially successful TV show.

Yeah, I mean, I'm not a huuuge Jon fan, but he's definitely better than Robb, Bran and Rickon (if Rickon even counts).


I know there are a lot of Ted haters here, but it is baffling to me that Radnor hasn't gotten more work simply by default. I mean, he is the main character on the show, for Pete's sake, and he's one of the better characters (I know this is an unpopular opinion, again, but he is better than what Lily and Barney ended

Given Sebastian Stan's huge contract (at least six films, I think), there's heavy speculation that, as in the comics (albeit temporarily), Bucky will replace Steve as Cap.

Yeah. How hard would it have it been for them to have a foreign script on the wall and then have the master read it out loud so you can read it in subtitles?

All right, I looked for this for a long time, and I didn't see anything about it, so let me just note a pretty lazy mistake in this episode.