Chubby Chasee

I just wanted to tell Caroline Framke how sad I am that we're going to miss your reviews of this show after this week.  I think you did a fantastic job, blending snark with sincere appreciation of an unexpectedly optimistic reality show (along with a reluctant appreciation of Adam Levine).

I was curious about that myself.  Either way, it's unfortunate, as I've enjoyed her recaps. 

I was curious about that myself.  Either way, it's unfortunate, as I've enjoyed her recaps. 

Am I the only one who thought Fabio, bless his heart, looked like Torgo when he was wearing his vesty outfit?  I used to have a screensaver in college with Torgo that looked VERY similar to Fabio.  (Torgo hobbled across the screen in three speeds: shambling, hitched jogging, and "running from the Master.")  The vest,

Am I the only one who thought Fabio, bless his heart, looked like Torgo when he was wearing his vesty outfit?  I used to have a screensaver in college with Torgo that looked VERY similar to Fabio.  (Torgo hobbled across the screen in three speeds: shambling, hitched jogging, and "running from the Master.")  The vest,



And here I thought my pun was too obvious.  My aporkologies.

And here I thought my pun was too obvious.  My aporkologies.

Does it sometimes seem that P&R notifications are hogging most of the "Great Job, Internet!" limelight? 

Does it sometimes seem that P&R notifications are hogging most of the "Great Job, Internet!" limelight? 

I have actually stayed at a Yotel, though not the one pictured in this action-unpacked episode.  The Amsterdam airport has one of those mini-hotels where you can rent a tiny room to shower and sleep for a few hours during your layover.  It was modern and handy, though they were very busy and I was skeptical of how

I have actually stayed at a Yotel, though not the one pictured in this action-unpacked episode.  The Amsterdam airport has one of those mini-hotels where you can rent a tiny room to shower and sleep for a few hours during your layover.  It was modern and handy, though they were very busy and I was skeptical of how

Thank you, Lord.  Now she's D to the O to the N to the E!  When I say "DO," you say "NOT COME BACK!"

Thank you, Lord.  Now she's D to the O to the N to the E!  When I say "DO," you say "NOT COME BACK!"

Ven's comment, while obviously misogynist, was also wrongheaded in at least one other major way.  His contention was that men are great designers, while women are more "practical" designers.  If that were the case, this challenge would have been perfect for the ladies, as practicality rules at L&T, both because of

Ven's comment, while obviously misogynist, was also wrongheaded in at least one other major way.  His contention was that men are great designers, while women are more "practical" designers.  If that were the case, this challenge would have been perfect for the ladies, as practicality rules at L&T, both because of

@avclub-588bc7654c8815a85a09b0bc6d82a29f:disqus I'm totally NOT creeped out.  I'm honored.  I usually hate it when people self-promote here, but it seemed like there were some of us who might relate to each other.  It can feel lonely at my size, especially when you're not in a group weight-loss setting (like Weight

@avclub-588bc7654c8815a85a09b0bc6d82a29f:disqus I'm totally NOT creeped out.  I'm honored.  I usually hate it when people self-promote here, but it seemed like there were some of us who might relate to each other.  It can feel lonely at my size, especially when you're not in a group weight-loss setting (like Weight

YES.  Gunnar's dress was awful, though his woman obviously loved it.  I kept looking at the center line at the top, squinting, thinking, "That just doesn't look straight to me…"  (Not a new thought while watching Project Runway, for a variety of reasons.)  And then I wanted to hike the whole top down a couple of