Chubby Chasee

Well, according to Gail, Padma enjoys being corrected quite a bit.

"They're both huge."

I have to put this at the top, because otherwise I won't be able to see it:
Is anyone else having trouble loading more comments at the end of the page? For the life of me, I can't get it to work. If this can't be fixed, I guess there's not much point in reading comments anymore.

I too appreciated that Hugh pointed out the real difficulty of the challenge to Tom and the others. I admire Tom quite a bit, but I think he has become so jaded by his many years on the show that he has lost a bit of human sympathy for what the chefs are undergoing. You can be honest about failures without being

I'm sorry to hear that, but also glad that so many other kids were equally traumatized by the damn Hulk.  Other than Jaws, which my parents bizarrely allowed me to see at age 6 or so, no other work of TV/cinema has caused so many nightmares for me.


Killing off the staid but loving hero of her literary and cinematic franchise…does Helen Fielding actually know her fan(s) at all?  I can assure you that those who loved the first book/movie and tolerated the second book/movie—or politely pretended the second book/movie didn't exist—do not want to envision Darcy/Firth

He is…The Most Dangerous Game.

We're like Dog the Bounty Hunter, only with a greater preponderance of reading glasses.  They really set off the mullets.

Somewhere, Bear Grylls watches enviously.


Thanks, JohnLock.  I should note, however, that if you choose to watch two seasons of a show in two days on Hulu, as I did, you should be prepared to watch that stupid commercial for pistachios with Psy roughly a bazillion times, to the point where I wanted to find Psy and beat him over the head with a sack of the

I'm guessing that was referring to his idol worship of Russell; his relationship with Tran; his interactions with his actual father; and now his connection to Jess's dad.  (Apologies if I got any names wrong.)  All those men have sort of served a function of teaching Nick about what it means to be a man, or at least

My ears are stopped up by a cold, and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what Nick was saying when he woke up with Jess in bed.  He said maybe two things, neither of which was intelligible to me.  Any help?

Honestly, I read it somewhere years ago, and I don't remember where.  After a quick search, I found a TV Guide article in which Paterson strenuously denies reported tension between him and Graham (http://www.tvguide.com/news… an article about Paterson being troublesome on a later job (http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2… and

Yeah, it was tough.  I've gone from initially thinking that Michelle seemed like a cool, tough chick to harboring a definite distaste for her.  It pained me to see her victory.

On a more personal note, one thing I really liked about Gilmore Girls was that it showed people of all different sizes without their sizes being the focus of their characterization.  Sookie, Babette, Miss Patty—none of them are small women.  As not a small woman myself, it was heartening to see them on national

I'm so excited that the A.V. Club is reviewing this show!

My husband and I like the segments where he's cooking with Bridget because we strongly suspect they're having an affair.  They kind of gaze at each other a lot, and banter in a very personal way.

What do you think of Ripper Street so far?  I'm still watching, but I'm pretty torn (ha!) about it.  It's just so unrelentingly dark all the time, without much humor to leaven the whole thing.