
There's no 10,000 without number 2,223.

A Barclay Episode Demands a Barclay Thread!
Love him.

Too Much, Indeed
This episode felt like drinking from a firehose. A firehose that sprays drama. I actually felt a little sick to my stomach after it. Not as sick as I'm sure I'll feel after watching network summer programming, but still.

Mae Whitman's Rant…
…alone made this episode an A. That was some real acting there. But the decision to end the episode as a Levitra commercial pulled it down to an A-.

Time Slot Factor
I agree that Parenthood is simply good enough to watch, and if NBC didn't remind me it was coming on while my wife watched The Biggest Loser, I would never remember.

If AV Club has one problem…
…it's consistency in grading. How could Cougar Town (A this week) ever ever ever beat Modern Family? And How I Met Your Mother—which has been struggling in sitcom madness the last two seasons—is still riding a near 4.0. You can't give HIMYM and Cougar Town As for rising above their usual

I Blame Caprica
Think about it. Who could've made this show work? The Battlestar Galactica writers who should've been unemployed were it not for Caprica. And while we're at it, think how cool the show would've been with Colonel Tigh playing Anna. Yeah. Is your mind blown?

On the other hand…
…this is a step up for NBC. I mean, Outsourced? The Event? Chase? Let's be proud of progress. Comparing this show to the The Wire is just unfair.

His awkwardness makes sense when coupled with his holodeck obsession (and you have to wonder why more people aren't obsessed with the holodeck, because wouldn't you be?). Barclay is the future of people who play WoW, D&D, and all the other RPGs that are turned into acronyms. And it makese sense that these people would

Can We Just Take a Vote on Barclay?
Awesome or annoying?