
He's presenting like a mandrill!

Get the light & watch down stay up pick Thaoathon

we can at least thank Australia for starting the chain of events that led to the “noodle horse” image above.

Uber tracks your location even when you are not using the app. That alone is enough for me to quit using them.

And now we are at the brink of war with North Korea. Thanks, Trump voters.

De do do do de da da da.
That's all I want to say to you.

I'd rather die than give you control

I have noticed that Neda Ulaby speaks every sentence with identical tone and cadence.


the State Department’s Holocaust desk

If you can't be a man without a gun, then you aren't a man.

All it takes to stop a bad man with a bad man with a gun is a good man with a good man with a gun.


"We needed to make room for more Great Job Internet and article-length advertisements for delicious Hormel products." — AV Club


But somehow X-Men does?

99% of movies are formulaic. See: every single super hero movie ever made. None are memorable

Will Success Spoil Hurt Locker?

The AV Club commentariat sure likes to shit on Avatar. It wasn't the greatest movie of all time, but it wasn't terrible. A solid "B" if you ask me. I don't understand all the snark and hate.

I remember Donnie Yen doing it in Ip Man 3 during the fight with Mike Tyson.