The correct pluralization is "recta".
The correct pluralization is "recta".
Ketchup contains natural mellowing agents.
a baby carrot dipped in humus
Affordable and efficient mass transit? Sure, we all want that!
You are sowing the seeds of hate
Interesting! Thank you
Yes but then I got my B.A. (Black Angus) at Stuart Anderson State University
What's the difference between "geoscientist" and "geologist"? I'm asking sincerely.
When I was a kid in the early 80s in Boise, ID, we considered Sizzler to be a fancy, high-class restaurant.
While New Orleans is better known for its metal scene
But her emails!
But Hillary's emails!
Tron With the Wind
Tron Lola Tron
"The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
Upvoted for "gormless".
Well, Internet, if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand.
The Pretenders should open for Fugazi
I'm afraid those days are gone.