
This news makes me happy.

Yep. It's down by the river.

[via Boing Boing]

I remember republicans impeached Bill Clinton, for lying.

If only congressional republicans would step up and hold Trump accountable for his lies, conflicts of interest, and treachery. But they're not.

Are you afraid of Iranians?

Trump is now blaming Obama for the leaks.

Fine with me


Por exemplo?

Tell me more about that.

I never heard of this before and now it is my new favorite thing.

Many of us don't like the fact that he's the president, because we believe him to be ill-mannered, emotionally frail, intellectually feeble, and morally repugnant.

Perhaps it's a shortening of the expression "rub of the green", which means "good fortune, especially as determining events in an athletic contest."

I hope you're right!

It's a charming little peek into the fascinating day-to-day life of our beloved president.

That's pretty much the kind of year we're having.
