RJ Lake

I don't buy that at all.

I wasn't there, but the idea of Atlas Sound falling apart on stage absolutely breaks my heart. The guy is just trying so hard. He tries so hard, you guys.

I wasn't there, but the idea of Atlas Sound falling apart on stage absolutely breaks my heart. The guy is just trying so hard. He tries so hard, you guys.

Yeah, which is why I'm not looking at Fables as ever becoming a TV series, at least not any time in the next five years . But a movie? That might be possible. Probably not, but, hey.

Yeah, which is why I'm not looking at Fables as ever becoming a TV series, at least not any time in the next five years . But a movie? That might be possible. Probably not, but, hey.

It -was- going to be a TV show, but that was scrapped.

It -was- going to be a TV show, but that was scrapped.

Because if this was a single movie you'd definitely have to overcompress it. It's six books, and they're not fast-moving like Scott Pilgrim or the like. Fitting all of that into a single film would be bullshit.

Because if this was a single movie you'd definitely have to overcompress it. It's six books, and they're not fast-moving like Scott Pilgrim or the like. Fitting all of that into a single film would be bullshit.

I was genuinely bummed that the tv series never went through (although I never saw the pilot so I can't actually comment on how good it was) but this is absolutely excellent news. With the right budget and approach this will be worth watching just to see the different keys alone.

I was genuinely bummed that the tv series never went through (although I never saw the pilot so I can't actually comment on how good it was) but this is absolutely excellent news. With the right budget and approach this will be worth watching just to see the different keys alone.

Yeah, even if you don't give a shit about the actual end products the mania and passion these guys have for their craft is worth a view in and of itself.

Yeah, even if you don't give a shit about the actual end products the mania and passion these guys have for their craft is worth a view in and of itself.

I borrowed a friend's XBox to buy it and play it through to completion with all secrets.

I borrowed a friend's XBox to buy it and play it through to completion with all secrets.

Wreck-It Ralph, which was incredible. My jaw actually dropped for much of the movie. Widest smile walking out of the theater.

Wreck-It Ralph, which was incredible. My jaw actually dropped for much of the movie. Widest smile walking out of the theater.

For the longest time I was baffled by this comment because I thought you were talking about the Street Fighter 2 thing in the end credits.

For the longest time I was baffled by this comment because I thought you were talking about the Street Fighter 2 thing in the end credits.

You can actually find out!