Vrinda Rao

Waquoit: Jack did not have Alzheimer's. Even if he did, that was not a result of doing a TV show for 12 years. There's plenty of evidence - photographs, letters, checks written by Jack - which prove he was leading an active life for at least 12 years after Hawaii Five-O ended. Whatever illness he had, it kept his

Waquoit: Jack did not have Alzheimer's. Even if he did, that was not a result of doing a TV show for 12 years. There's plenty of evidence - photographs, letters, checks written by Jack - which prove he was leading an active life for at least 12 years after Hawaii Five-O ended. Whatever illness he had, it kept his

That was based on their contracts. Whatever billing these guys got, number of scenes, lines, etc. was all written out in their contracts and negotiated between the actors, their agents, and CBS. Jack Lord even said in an interview with the Associated Press that his star-billing was not just a requirement from his

That was based on their contracts. Whatever billing these guys got, number of scenes, lines, etc. was all written out in their contracts and negotiated between the actors, their agents, and CBS. Jack Lord even said in an interview with the Associated Press that his star-billing was not just a requirement from his

The other cast members were credited after the word "with" not co-starring or featuring. Even then, what is wrong with that? Whatever billing they get it determined by their contracts and is aligned with the amount of scenes they get. The show was on the air for 3 years at the time that stupid article in TV Guide was

The other cast members were credited after the word "with" not co-starring or featuring. Even then, what is wrong with that? Whatever billing they get it determined by their contracts and is aligned with the amount of scenes they get. The show was on the air for 3 years at the time that stupid article in TV Guide was

Are you being sarcastic?

Are you being sarcastic?

If you read this guys' review carefully, you'll see his thinly-veiled compliments of the ensemble cast system of the new show, but it's a wasted effort. I've seen the new show, and the writing, acting, and the interaction amongst the main characters debunks any benefit of having an ensemble cast. 

Then you were taking your dislike too far. You would have preferred that McGarrett act like the criminals he was going after? He's a policeman running a state police unit, so he has to be serious and strict. This isn't a comedy show, and Steve's not supposed to be Mr. Rogers. People who don't get that and say they

You should see some of the comments he writes on his Facebook page. If that isn't more evidence of his idiocy, nothing is.

About your link: it's just a parody. You're saying that because I like Jack Lord, I'm just like the people there? What a crock. It's not a crime to like him or defend him, and people do that for other actors. I don't see you or anyone labeling them in the same fashion.

I've seen it often, too, and it's just ridiculous and shows a lack of good writing and research abilities.

Joey, I heard that story, too, but Jack stated in an interview on The Merv Griffin Show in 1964 that he was not asked to come back at all, then there would not have been an opportunity to for him to ask for anything. His contract with the William Morris Agency, through which he got the part for Dr. No, expired in

InActionMan, what you heard was garbage from movie magazines. You simply believed all of that?

Your comments about Jack Lord are unfounded and ignorant. Did you watch the show, or were you reading the one-sided gossip magazines from the time? Jack did not even get a majority of the screen time in every episode. So he played the lead role, which was not even written with him in mind (he was cast five days before