Grand Moff Ellen Barkin

I thought he died in 2003.



Like that jerk, Neil Patrick Harris.

"…which I still think is pretty great."
Just gonna drop that down, huh?

Haley Joel Osment/Dave Coulier
Summer 2011.

"Just continuing my stance on the necessity that things be Awesome."
"Bingo" *click* *BOOM*

If you change your metrics slightly, and make a direct conversion of dollars to artistic merit, then he's TOTALLY Coppola, or Kubrick, et al.

Better Team Names?
"We're the Keynotes! We're all well paid motivational speakers who are in a barbershop quartet."

The only connection is Jude Law, granted
but I completely understand that this movie slipped quietly out of the public view. It's me personally, I'm just not equipped to catch whatever it is I'm supposed to glean from this film. I can't even do more than skim this article. I'm just completely indifferent on this one,

I thought I was crazy. But apparently Capt. Jack DOES have a million persona.

Anyone who renames the Internet 'Eden'
Is troll-baiting.

Did you see that snakes head? It was all "pew pew! kaboom!".

Not nice.

I, however, am quite comfortable belittling all the things you hold precious.

You bet your ass
I'll be saying that instead.

Sex Plantation!
I gotta hoe the lower 40.

Sex Plantation!
I gotta hoe the lower 40.


You suck