dirty harold

I thought they blew up the chicken man in Albuquerque?

too bad hockey is the only mildly entertaining sport

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha….

Because lazy is better than straight-up stupid

y'know, I try to give bands the benefit of the doubt and judge their music on its own merits.

then again, what DOESN'T suck on Cartoon Network nowadays, really?

Can you blame it?

I'm trying to take myself into some sort of happy alternate universe where Miley Cyrus would have faded into obscurity by now

now Tayne I can get into

Maybe it's me, but I highly doubt musicians give a shit whether or not you're impressed by their Nirvana shirts. They probably just want to stay covered while playing their set and hope that people focus on their music rather than superficial shit like clothing.

I'm a year late to the party (although I did buy the album on release day and listened to it back then; haven't returned to it since because it was slightly disappointing) but I'd like to say that "Phantom Limb" is hands down the best song on the album

that Austin Powers song was one of the most cringe-worthy things about the entire franchise, so of course AV Club had to remind me about it

This dude seems like he contradicts himself so many times

another example of a boring HateSong article, sigh