ales kot

You are very welcome — and thank you!

I didn't really have much of a conception of the narrative to begin with, not in some sort of a story master plan way — I worked a lot with the world as things happened and with my own conscious/subconscious/unconscious. Muuch better flow that way. So I took things and put them in as and when they emerged and felt

Somewhere early on, but not before I wrote #1 and #2 at least

I guess I'll have to find a way to survive without your money!

Delighted by that!

Oh, I certainly don't mind! Thank you :)

Your idea is flawed. All you need to convey shame is the shaming behavior itself, whether aimed at the person directly or indirectly. Even if the person in question doesn't read it — other people do. Performing the act itself supports shaming as an action that is somehow okay.

It's not the matter of you not liking something — it's how you convey it. Saying that someone "should be ashamed" is a shaming behavior which can easily create more pain and shame. Communicating your dislike in a manner free of shaming might take a bit more time and energy, but it might also not create more pain and

Your perfectly valid opinion on the quality of someone's drawing is not a permission to act like an asshole to them, Michael.

Sensitivity is nothing to be afraid of. Pseudo-psychology is something I decidedly do not use.

Yeah, I don't log in and reply often, so what? I'll take "little strange" any day of the week.

"it's a bit weird to repeatedly find me, some kid who isn't a fan of yours, and reply to him online.

No. You don't get to try to shame people I work with and succeed.

Also — please don't try to play the victim card. It's repulsive and disrespectful to people who actually have to deal with issues like cyber-stalking. I have literally no knowledge of you and no interest in you past seeing you repeatedly pop up under articles I read (I read Oliver's and Zainab's pieces very often) as

Just a hint — most of things in #15 were not planned since the beginning, but that does not mean they do not tie into the beginning in a (later) planned manner.

Thank you for that.

Thanks for the kind words!

I don't see a problem with "weird" in general, plus — you think I somehow tried to find you? I'm reading all the replies under this wonderful article, and when you dig into me with false allegations — why shouldn't I be able to engage? I don't mean you harm and I don't care to intimidate you in any way, I'm merely

(I just liked my own post because I can — and because I like it! If self-love bugs you, I'm not the problem.)