
"If you’re young and you’re writing seriously about the medium, there’s a good chance that you’re a Miami Vice fan."

This is a poorly-argued and needlessly antagonistic review. This is bad journalism.

I swear I'm going to have one of those Grandpa Simpson moments one day in the distant future where I'll be hanging out at whatever the 2065 equivalent of Branson, Missouri, is and end up meeting Ms. Morissette backstage, where I will then have to sadly (but emphatically) inform her of her own demise years prior.

I swear I'm going to have one of those Grandpa Simpson moments one day in the distant future where I'll be hanging out at whatever the 2065 equivalent of Branson, Missouri, is and end up meeting Ms. Morissette backstage, where I will then have to sadly (but emphatically) inform her of her own demise years prior.

This can be solved very easily . . .
Have both directors been guilty of race-bating? Yes.
Are both guilty of making terrible movies? Yes.
Have both made good movies? No.

If you think watching her haggard 60-year-old self try to dance and forget words to songs can be enjoyed any way other than ironically, then I posit unto you that you perhaps are the one who is the dick.

Saw her in Shreveport a few years back
Really disappointing. I'd been a fan for years, but between her forgetting the words to Riders on the Storm and her late-period bullshit faux-redneck pastiche, it was just kind of sad.

Yes, "misery porn" is the perfect description.

Aw, that's the best part about the current crop of militant Islamic Fundamentalists. They're so fucking backwards, they respond to accusations with forceful proof of veracity.

Piss-poor review, and wrong to boot.
Only at the AV Club would a film about neon computer people fighting to a Daft Punk score be chided for adhering *too much* to it's own mythology.

At what point in game development did 'Co-op' become shorthand for "crippling gameplay disparity, poorly offset by small number of 2-player dependent accomplishments?"

Pimps don't commit suicide
Southland Tales is the most aggressively stupid film of all time.

Yeah, I never really felt that the way Jasmine basically sold Crosby as a dead-beat date rapist to her family when she got pregnant has yet to be fully reconciled, yet it seems totally forgiven by everyone involved.

Screw The Event
I'm wondering if we can just cancel NBC. We'll move Community, Parks & Rec, 30 Rock, Chuck, and SNL over to FX or somewhere, where it will be appreciated and people can curse.

That's kind of the thing. On Acid Tongue and Under the Blacklight, she sings with an energy that feels like she knows she's a put-on and is just as bored with it as the audience is. Every song on those albums sound like the sole impetus behind their creation is Jenny going, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if I pretended

I'll say it . . .
Both Under the Black Light and Acid Tongue were nigh-unbearable.

I keep thinking TwiMoms have to be some kind of mass performance art, like a living version of Poe's Law, but then I remember my sister-in-law is a TwiMom, and she's the saddest person I've ever met.

You didn't get a second opinion on something called "Brain Cloud?"

I kinda liked it. I mean, I totally get the criticism leveled at it because it is indeed a cynical and mean-spirited film in the end, but I love what it says about the nebulous nature of art patronage and criticism. The horrible asshole at the beginning that yelled at the class, "To be a great artist, you first have

What does that have to do with store-bought soup?