thanks buddy
thanks buddy
what song is that. please?
what song is that?
and i'm missing the comeback :(
for the longest time (every time i saw previews), i thought she said she was going to "daughterbort" her. "daughterboard" is very slightly better. still bad.
consider this liked two times
for some reason s02e04 is up on hbo ondemand.
Sean On'eil is the best writer
Sean On'eil is the best writer
it was hard work closing up around all the people who wanted their last pumpkin latte on earth
it was hard work closing up around all the people who wanted their last pumpkin latte on earth
my starbucks closed early
my starbucks closed early
Henry Pollard would make a way better mixtape
Henry Pollard would make a way better mixtape
This Is Mids
This Is Mids
i will watch it if it has some of that winterspring music in it
i will watch it if it has some of that winterspring music in it
"That's a picture of a feeling!"