
This show came out my freshman year of college, and I remember thinking it was funny that there was a show about college freshman while I was one. I watched a couple of episodes but kind of tuned it out.

Yeah, "dialed into that radio-friendly sweet spot so aggressively that it loses all distinction" is right on the money.

Lifetime pass for his performances in Departed and Huckabees

I had the same thought, guy.

I'm so confused about this complaint. Literally, the only times he has even mentioned the Tonight Show were on the first fucking episode and very briefly on the second.

This episode wasn't great, for me, but it was pleasant/funny enough. Mostly because any show that simultaneously mocks the Tea Party and American Apparel is okay by me.

That irreverence, that wit - I'd recognize it anywhere.

It may be worth mentioning that Jim Davis himself likely hasn't "written" (or, at least, drawn) the strip in years. Guys like this who run strips that have been around for decades generally have staffs who handle most of that, with him overseeing it.

Yeah, I was surprised to see no mention of Amelie in the article.

I'm not sure if the lace-doily thing is a joke, but she's been in a lot of edgy shit already. Isn't that kind of her thing?

Also, did anyone watch the "Garfield: His Nine Lives" TV special growing up? It's different variations of Garfield, some of which are really disturbing (in one, he's an escaped lab animal) and sad (in another, he's a girl's beloved pet, and he dies). Shit was emotional as a kid.

Totz Jr.: Tom S linked to it above.

Wow, yeah. When I think about movies I watched over and over as a kid (because I'd taped them off TV), The 'Burbs and Clue come immediately to mind.

Yowza yowza

Couldn't we have given them that show? Also, what's the difference between that one and "Keeping Up with the Kardashians"?

Huh. I have never heard Fall Out Boy, and thus, have no opinions of the vocalist's singing style.

Actually, I think a lot of people would say that was the highlight of last night's show. I think Conan's shows are the most fun when it's apparent that he's having fun, and it certainly was for that segment.

I plan to do the same thing for Conan that I did with Late Night and Tonight Show: DVR it and fast forward through the interviews I don't care about.

Yeah, the episode title was awesome. I hope they stay, too.