Tim Riggins

Ya'll can stop writing these reviews because I know it must be hard on ya to watch a full episode. On the other hand I enjoy reading them. "…but perhaps it was a very funny Twilight sendup and I just wouldn't know because I'm too busy sitting at home every night peering through my blinds waiting for one of

No Regrets
My long hair reminds chicks of Jesus

Good To Be Back
It's good to be back ya'll but somedays I just really miss Six, know what I mean?

Ya'll need to stop hating on 30 Rock and get real about this show. Stop trying to make this show sometin' it aint. This show is more of a pussy than that Landry kid.

Happy Camper
glad to see this show blow. schwartzenstein is a lil' pussy.

God bless the calf fiend, God bless.

@ I hate the Hater - if you don't change your username, I'll personally come smash your face in. Stay away from Lyla and Amelie.

Can't we just give musical shit its own category. Only hippy d-bags and blue state yuppies like em' anyways.

Old Dunder
Stoked for the new season boys.

Old Dunder
Stoked for the new season boys.

Todd, can we call NBC the best network out of ABC,CBS,FOX? Or is that just shameless self promotion on my behalf?

Speaking of Blacks, Wayne Brady owned that episode.

I only really enjoy Tracy Jordan's Oprah.

Athletes Are Not Funny
case and point

"Never say never when theres the internet"
or whatever that line was that Sam delivered. He sounded dumber than my brother Billy on a good day.

Keith Philips
I can't wait buddy.

thanks Coach, I needed that. Times have been a little rough with Billy's business and I haven't had my head in the game.

Your a legend man

Tasha, you sound like my kind of gal.

Enough to get more than a few beers down at The Landing Strip