
The more I think about it, the more I favor the idea of Whedon and Co. scrapping the events of "The Hollow Men" entirely. Use the timeslot for a double dose of future thoughtpocalypse. Let the events set in the present day end with the reveal of Boyd, then jump next episode to the future. I'm sure with the extra 42

Ding! Wah wah.


I can tell Nasim and Jenny apart pretty readily, but with blue spandex on I still couldn't tell the difference.

I know it was silly and crude
but I laughed a lot at the darts sketch. That, followed by Laser Cats 5, was pretty much the only segment of the show that was actually enjoyable.

That orange juice joke was indeed a highlight.

I don't know for sure, but I got the impression that it was live via satellite. (Live, meaning live at the taping of the show, obviously.)

Walking cock cozy?
That's glorious.

No love for the Gandhi line?
"My God, Ted! You don't tell a man like Mordor to be less passionate! It's like telling Gandhi to be less…whatever he was. Thin."

Also pleased at the inclusion of Opeth, and Watershed is a fine album. But I'll take Blackwater Park over Ghost Reveries anyday, and that's not a slight against Ghost Reveries. Blackwater Park is mindblowing.

Another perfect pitch douchebag here. Kurt climbed up to the F, and it was indeed an F. He then jumped up to the Ab, but I got the impression that it was more of a "Yes! I did it!" moment that allowed him to shoot further than he had planned type deal.

When he took down the dark-haired + breakfast foods poster, everyone I watched it with let out a collective, "awwwwww…". Followed by cheers, of course, when the new one went up.