
There needs to be an easier way to find TV series pages. At the moment, if I am looking for a TV show that is not one of the headlines, I need to search for it, then scroll down the results looking for a review, then I click on the review, then I click on the name of the series, which shows me everything tagged with

I have never really liked Ricky Gervais, but it was through him I was introduced to Karl Pilkington and Stephen Merchant, so I can't hate the guy.

I don't believe in any god, which I guess would make an atheist, but the countless atheist groups out there don't speak for me.  Hardcore atheism advocates bother me as much as ultra religious types.

Back when I was in high school, one of my friends decided to serenade his girlfriend with a song he had written about her, while we were riding in a taxi.  Unfortunately I was also sitting in the back of the taxi.  That was the longest , most awkward 10 minutes of my life.