
If I were to become a ghost, I can think of worse places to be trapped than in the bathroom while Dean takes a shower.

That last look of Sharon's was so good, I don't care where any of it came from. She was serving up some Goldfrapp realness, honey.

You would think that the ability to not take yourself too seriously would be pretty much inherent in someone that dresses in drag and calls themselves Phi Phi. But, you would be wrong.

Phi Phi said it again during the judges' critique after the runway show, though, when they were in drag.

I was thinking the same thing. When Phi Phi said 'he' I immediately yelled at the screen, "That's SHE to you!"

Made even funnier by Phi Phi's petulant "That puppet didn't look anything like me" response.

I agree wholeheartedly. I was home sick from work a few days last week and decided to re-watch a bunch of season one episodes, and I was struck by just how much it feels like a different show at this point. That said, the first time around I found season one pretty boring, and I'm having a blast with the current

Yeah, and those two girls at the beginning seemed awfully bubbly for people who'd just seen a friend have his guts ripped out. "OMG it was totes Jenny Greentree lol"

Look, I don't need to be comforted, or agreed with, or appeased. I'm simply pointing out that the guy seems to have a habit of reviewing shows that he doesn't particularly like (or at least has gotten sick of), and then doesn't bother to take the time to proofread. I liked the last reviewer just fine, and I disagreed

That's just it, though — if you look through the comments here, we aren't overlooking the show's faults. It's just that a more balanced assessment of what the show does well and what it doesn't do so well is much more valuable (and hell, fun to read) than someone continually harping week after week.

A semi-related story: I watched the first episode of the US Being Human and thought, "Meh, not for me." Recently I thought I'd read a review here and see if it had improved or if other people had gotten into it (never know when you're going to need a new show to marathon when you're home sick or whatever). The review

He even looked skinnier to me, but again, that could just be some subtle makeup and wardrobe decisions. He played the scene perfectly. And hey, now I can see him on Justified and Supernatural at the same time, which immediately makes me more excited about the prospect of Ghost Bobby.

It's funny, people were complaining so much about Cas being used solely as a deus ex machina through much of season six. The boys would snap and he would do some crazy angel magic, or fly around an entire town in two seconds looking for holy weapons or something. Then people get annoyed that they seemingly killed him

Both good points. Perhaps part of the purpose of the scenes with Sam helping the girl in the psych ward by burning her bracelet (which was covered in dead brother DNA) was to set up a future realization about Bobby's flask.

"The review didn't explore this, unfortunately." To be fair, the review didn't explore much of anything.

Yeah, it was mostly the last few minutes that felt a bit rushed. Other than that, I pretty much loved the whole episode. And I have no love for this new reviewer.

Yeah, like the reviewer I was expecting an hour of ballerina antics and slapstick shenanigans, so I was pleasantly surprised when it took a hard detour into Leviathan territory.

You might be in the minority, but for what it's worth I agree with you. I've been really enjoying this season!

I agree, the promo really ruined this one. The twist was fairly obvious, sure, but knowing it before the episode even aired sapped a good bit of tension out of the first 40 minutes of the episode.

Hey, were you the one I saw some time back commenting about your involvement in TV Goes To Hell? (Sorry, longtime lurker here.) I got a copy for Christmas and really enjoyed it. Not sure which was your essay, but I'm guessing something in the Jerk…Bitch section? At any rate, I really enjoyed the book and always look